2-32. Changed Within

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I woke up early on Sunday morning. It's not my typical waking hours every Sunday because of that short noticed I received yesterday. I cooked breakfast for Josh and I while the kid was asleep. I took a bath afterwards, get dressed and I woke up Josh.

"Good morning, Dad." He greeted and gave me a hug and peck on my cheeks.

"Good morning, brat!"

He hit me on my back and I chuckled. I like to tease this kid and he never get mad of me every time I called him like that.

"Come on, you get up now. Breakfast is ready." I said.

He looked so excited and hopped out from the bed. He pulled me and we went to the dining area together. He ate the food that I cooked.

"Do you have work on Sunday Dad?" He asked curiously.

I usually don't have work on Saturdays and Sundays except today. I inteded those days for Josh to spend time with him. However, this Sunday is a surprised so I must go because I was summoned by the owner of the hospital, which is Mr. Seth Deveraux.

"Yes, kid. I have an emergency meeting this morning. Your Mommy Yela will fetch you soon." I answered.

"But, I want to go out and look for Mommy Bas again." He complained.

"Josh, don't be a stubborn kid." I said and he pouted his lips. "Maybe this afternoon, we will look for Mommy Bas. Is it okay?"

He sighed and nodded as he ate the bacon. He silently eat his food as I attended to the messages on my phone. The board members are on their way so I have to go. I sent a message to Yela to accompany Josh in my place.

"Baby, I need to go. Your Mommy Yela is on her way." I said.

"Okay, Dad."

I went to him and gave him a kiss on his head. He looked at me and smiled as he told me to take care. I nodded and went out from my place. I waited for the elevator and when it opened, I saw Yela.


"Good you are here. Josh is alone."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of my son."

"Thank you. I need to go."

I went inside the elevator and pushed the down button. As I stepped on the basement parking floor, I ran to my car and instantly turned on the engine then drove the car fast.

There's no traffic on Sunday so I managed to arrived at the main company building of Deveraux. The staffs greeted me and I just nod as I ran to the elevator. I took the lift and when the doors were about to closed, it opened again.


I was surprised to see Kim Tan and didn't expect him here. What is he doing at the Deveraux's Company Building?

He went inside and took the lift. I never say a thing to him until we get on the 17th floor. I thought he's going somewhere but we went out on the same floor.

"What are you doing here?" I finally asked when got off from the lift.

He smiled and said. "I'm here for the meeting."

Since when he joined the Deveraux? He had a company to run and why all of the sudden he tied up with the Deveraux?

"Okay. I am here for the meeting too." I said.

"I know." He smirked and walked out.

I was annoyed and just followed him to the auditurium hall. I saw my parents inside sitting on their respective seats. My mothet waved at me and I went to them.

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