Ch. 1: Love is in the air

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*I'm sorry that you have to read this all over again. I had some errors and the story got deleted and I tried to recover it, but I couldn't. So I'm writing it all over again and it may be slightly different now. Thank you for understanding and for your patience*

"In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine"

You felt someone gently shake you and heard a soft and quiet voice,   "(y/n). It's time to wake up."

You slowly opened your eyes and saw Ginny and Hermione standing beside the bed you were sleeping in. You slowly sat up, rubbed your eyes, and yawned. With a tired voice, you said to the girls, "Good morning guys." They smiled and left the room to give you privacy to change.

You had changed into (Whatever the f*** you want to f***** wear 😂😂. I'm terrible at giving outfit ideas). After getting dressed, you went to the bathroom to do your morning routine, such as brushing your teeth, brushing your hair, and etc.

After getting ready, you walked with Hermione to the room Harry and Ron were sleeping in. You saw Harry tossing and turning and trembling and rushed over to him and gently shook him.


"Harry. Are you alright?" You asked with a gentle voice. He quickly opened his eyes and sat up and sighed in relief when he saw you. "Bad dream. A really bad one." was all he could get out of his mouth. You hugged him to comfort him.

"Get up Ronald Weasley!" Hermione snapped at Ron and he quickly sat up. "Bloody hell!" he shouted. You and Harry looked over at them and you let go of Harry so that he could get ready.


After walking for some time in the woods, you saw Mr. Diggory waiting and he called out to Mr. Weasley. They greeted each other and then you saw a figure drop down from a tree. You smiled when you saw who it was. Your one and only, best friend Cedric. 

His face turned from a frown to a bright smile when he saw you and he rushed over to you and hugged you tightly. "I'm so glad to see you, (y/n).'' he exclaimed. You hug him back and couldn't help but blush and feel his warmth.

Ginny and Hermione giggled and whispered to each other as you and Cedric hugged. They knew that you had a thing for him and went to their shipping mode (Had to XD)

"Oi! Cedric! (y/n)! Hurry up you love birds!" the twins called out. You blushed of embarrassment and blurted out, "We're not love birds!" and you chased after them.

Your friends were all laughing as you chased after the twins. "Uh oh! We made her mad!" Fred shouted out to George as they sped off with you not far behind them. "Just now noticing?" George yelled back to him.

You caught them by the back of their shirts and they crushed you in between them and yelled, "Sandwiched!!"

Cedric's POV:

It was amusing to watch (y/n) chase after the twins and I couldn't help but laugh along with her friends. "I love that girl so much" I whispered to myself. That's when my father walked up to me and said, "Son. Ever thought about dating a charming young lady like (y/n)?" I blushed and stuttered, "Wha-what do you mean?" 

My father just chuckled and said, "You know what I mean, young man." and he walked off and I followed behind, catching up with the others.

Your POV:

You were walking with the trio and Cedric ran to catch up with you.

You talked for some time until you arrived at the spot where the portkey was. 

You, Mr. Diggory, Mr. Weasley, and your friends all grabbed onto the portkey and you started to spin, making you feel dizzy.

You lifted up into the sky and Mr. Weasley shouted out to let go. 

"Take my hand!" Cedric shouted to you and extended his hand towards you and you grabbed hold of it.

Your friends tumbled onto the ground while you, Cedric, Mr. Diggory, and Mr. Weasley landed with ease.

"Guess you two are love birds after all." Fred said. You looked and realized that Cedric was still holding your hand. You blushed and hid your face of embarrassment.

Everyone laughed and you all walked off to the Quidditch World Cup. To your surprise, Cedric was still holding your hand.

Cedric Diggory x Reader (Re-Written)Where stories live. Discover now