Chapter 1

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I got up on a beautiful October day and took a shower in the hotel room bathroom and put on a pair of dark denim skinny jeans, my black T-Shirt with the WWE logo across the chest, and a pair of black sneakers (my work uniform) and left my hair down to air dry naturally. I put on foundation and did my eyebrows, natural eyeshadow, and mascara, threw on some Vaseline lip balm, and grabbed my purse and jacket and headed out the door. 

Brock had to leave early to cut promos, so I was driving to the arena by myself. 

Once I got to the arena, I went to the trainer's room and put my things down on the bench beside the desk and turned on my laptop and opened up my work email.

About 20 minutes after the show started, I ran down to catering to get a bottle of water and headed back to see Brock sitting on the exam table getting his shoulder checked out. "Brock!? Are you OK?", I asked and walked around the table to face him. "I'm fine", he said and glanced over at me and half smiled (The room was big enough for 5 exam tables and 3 treadmills). As he was getting checked out, I heard a voice say "Hey, I need to have my wrist looked at". I looked up and smiled widely when I noticed that it was none other than one of my best friends; Colby Lopez AKA Seth Rollins. I walked around and walked over to him and hugged him and pulled back. "Hey! How have you been?", I asked. "Great! I recently got engaged. Getting married next year", he said. "Congratulations, Colby. Come over here and we'll check out that wrist", I said.

He walked over to the exam table beside Brock's and sat down. As I examined Colby's wrist, we talked and caught up on the past year. I got offered a position on the main roster about 5 months before Colby did, but I've always been SmackDown and just recently got put on RAW. We haven't seen each other in a year. 

All through RAW, Brock kept acting weird. He was short with me and wouldn't hardly look at me, so I knew exactly where this was about to go.

I did as much as possible so I could avoid going back to the room. Over the past couple of years, Brock's been getting abusive. Mentally and Physically. 

Around midnight, everyone was gone and I was the only person left in the parking lot. I sighed heavily and headed towards the hotel.

When I got there, I took the elevator up to our floor and walked down the hallway to our room. I took a deep breath and walked inside and saw Brock sitting on the bed watching TV in his pajama pants. "Hey, babe", I said and put my stuff down on the dresser. As I was turning around, he pushed me up against the wall and had his hands on either side of my face and his face was inches from mine. "Don't 'hey babe' me. What the Hell was that with Rollins?", he asked. "I don't know what you're talking about", I said. He slapped the wall and pointed his right finger at me. "Don't fucking lie to me. You're fuckin him, aren't you?", he said. "No! I'm not having sex with him! We're FRIENDS, Brock! That's it! I haven't seen or talked to him since NXT. He's getting married next year!", I said a little louder than I anticipated. He punched me and I fell to the floor. He scoffed and grabbed his wallet and keys and left.

I got up and grabbed my purse and shoes and waited a few minutes to make sure he was gone. I quickly made my way down the hallway and knocked on Renee's door. Jon (Dean Ambrose) opened the door wearing sweatpants and a long sleeve T-Shirt and looking sleepy. "Madi? What's wrong?", he asked. "I need Renee", I said. He nodded and moved out of the way and I walked inside. Renee turned the light on and sat up in the bed. One look at me and she knew what was wrong. I sat down on the chair beside the table in the corner and put my face in my hands and started to cry even harder. She got out of bed and threw her hoddie on and rubbed my back as I cried. "Renee, what's -" "Don't worry about it, Jon. Just go get some ice.. Please", she said. He opened the door and she yelled out to him. "Don't tell Brock where she is if you seen him!". He nodded and walked outside.

After what felt like hours, I told her everything that happened. Jon called Colby and told him he needed somewhere to stay for the night so I could stay with Renee.

The next morning, I woke up and went to the bathroom and glanced in the mirror. I had a bruise forming under my right eye. Fantastic. 

About an hour later, Renee and I were ready to go to the airport. I still had on my clothes from work the night before, but at least I was dressed. 

Jon and Colby quickly came by and Colby sat with me in the hotel room while Jon and Renee went to my hotel room to get my things. 

Colby showed up wearing black jeans and a black T-Shirt and carrying a grey hoodie with the WWE logo on the front left in the corner. Jon and Renee left and it was just Colby and I. I sat down on the foot of the bed and Colby sat down beside me. I started to cry again and he wrapped his right arm around my shoulders. "You deserve so much more than this, Mads", he said. I smiled weakly at him at the mention of his nickname for me. "I love him, Cole", I said. He looked down at me with pain in his eyes and pulled me tighter.

A little while later, he left with his things to head off to the next city and I rode with Jon and Renee.

When we got there, I got my own hotel room and showered and dressed the exact same way I did the night before. 

After I was ready, I threw a scrunchie in my purse and headed off to the arena.

When I got there, I went inside and went straight to catering and got a salad and sat down. A little while later, Colby, Renee, Jon, and Joe (Roman Reigns) came walking over to me and sat down. "How are you feeling?", Renee asked. "I'm better.. Thanks for last night".

After we ate (Well, they ate. I picked at my food), I headed to the training room and they left for whatever they had to do. 

As I was walking down the hallway, I heard someone yell my name and I froze. "Maddison!". I turned around and my thoughts were confirmed. It was Brock. "Can we talk?", he asked. I turned around and kept walking and he followed. "I have nothing to say to you", I said. "Please, Maddison... I'm so so sorry.. I didn't mean to do that", he said. "I love you". I teared up at his words and pulled him into the trainer's room and locked the door. 

After we talked, I told him that he had one more chance to change and he agreed. No more. 

He left and I got straight to work. I had a feeling in my gut that something wasn't right.

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