Chapter 17

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In December, Colby and I were bummed because we had to be on the road for Christmas. We had set up a time for us to be on a FaceTime call with Colby's family and my family on Colby's iMac laptop. 

Right now, Colby and I were getting ready to go to SmackDown. Colby wasn't on SmackDown, so he went to the show with me just to hangout with other wrestlers that he hadn't seen in a while. I was standing in the bathroom putting on makeup when I felt Colby's hands slide up my black polo with the WWE logo on the right breast pocket. His hands rested on my hips and he pulled me gently back and kissed the right side of my neck and moved my ponytail to the left side. "Can't you just call in sick?", he asked. I laughed and shook my head and put my mascara down and turned around and he frowned. I laughed and stood on my tiptoes to kiss him and he tilted his head so I kissed his chin instead. I acted hurt and gently smacked his chest and he laughed. "Only kisses for fiance's who call in sick", he said as he winked. I rolled my eyes and laughed and went out into the hotel room and grabbed the keys. I turned around and Colby was sliding his shoes and jacket on. "What are you doing?", I asked. "Going with you. If my choices are going with my smokin' hot fiance or stay here alone.. I'm gonna choose the first one", he said and smacked my butt and took the rental car keys out of my hand.

I laughed and followed him down to the car and we climbed inside. We pulled out of the parking lot and onto the highway. As we drove, I reached over and put my left hand on the back of his neck and played with the hair at the base of his neck. He glanced over and smiled and I smiled back as I admired him. He took his right hand and grabbed my left hand and kissed the back of my hand and held it as he drove. 

When we got to the arena, we parked and headed inside. Colby grabbed my left hand as we walked and I couldn't help but smile up at him.

After SmackDown was over, we headed back to the hotel room and I laid on the bed with my face in the pillow. Tonight was a long night. 

Colby came walking in from the bathroom and crawled onto the bed and laid beside me on my left side and rubbed my back. "How about we go out to a nice dinner?", he asked. "That sounds amazing". I got up and jumped in the shower. I was rinsing shampoo out of my hair when I heard the shower curtain open. I opened my eyes and saw Colby smirking at me. "If we start something, we won't make it to dinner", I said as I turned my back to him to wash my face. "We'll see", he said.

After our shower, I looked at the time and smirked. "We barely have enough time to get ready", I said as I slid on my blood red lace bra and matching thong. Colby laughed and slid on his boxers.

I grabbed my dress and headed into the bathroom and straightened my hair. I finished my makeup and slid on my dress. It was a gorgeous midthigh length 3/4 sleeve dress and was black. I walked out into the room and slid on my black strappy heels and looked into the full length mirror. Colby had his back to me and was tying his tie. "Does this work for where we're going?", I asked. He turned around and looked me up and down. "Do you like it?", I asked as I spun around. As he finished tying his tie, he walked over to me and put his hands on my waist. I smiled and straightened his tie and suit jacket collar and smiled up at him. "You look amazing", he said. He bent down and softly kissed me and I smiled.

After dinner, we were laying in bed completely naked. I had my head on his chest and we were both watching TV. Colby leaned over and grabbed his phone. I looked up at him and he was concentrating. "What are you doing?", I asked. "Just a second", he said and pulled his right arm from under me. I sat up and pulled the sheets over my chest and turned to look at him. He smiled at me and tossed his phone onto the nightstand and smiled even wider as he pulled me on top of him. I laughed and he rubbed my arms up and down. "I have the perfect wedding date", he said. "You do?" "I do" "What is it?". He smiled and grabbed my hands. "October 28th, 2017", he said. I smiled and bent down and kissed him. "Sounds perfect", I said.

The next day, we got up and showered. I left my hair down natural and didn't bother with makeup and slid on a pair of leggings and a long sleeve T-Shirt and sat on the hotel room bed. Colby and I were talking to our families on Skype today.

A few days later, it was Christmas day. I woke up to Colby kissing my neck and rubbing my thigh. I smiled and turned my head to kiss him. "Merry Christmas", he said. "Merry Christmas", I said back. He leaned over and opened the nightstand drawer and handed me a small box. I sat up and opened it and smiled when I saw what was inside. A beautiful heart shaped locket with diamonds around the edges. "Flip it over", he said. I flipped it over and tears began to fill my eyes. "Lopez est. 10-28-17" engraved in the back. I pushed him down onto the bed and straddled him. He put his hands on my thighs and I took the necklace out of the box and put it on. I bent down and kissed him as I played with his chest hair. I got up and walked over to my suitcase and pulled a box out of my suitcase and walked over to him and handed it to him. He opened it and inside was a Rolex watch with his name engraved into the side.

After RAW, Colby and I packed our bags and headed for the airport to go home. 

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