Chapter 19

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About 2 weeks later, Colby and I were back home for a few days and for my first doctor's appointment. The initial shock of the pregnancy was gone and Colby and I were excited. He's been so sweet since we found out. He's gone to get me anything I've started craving and decided to just keep Cheddar Cheese Pringles with us at all times since that's the one thing I've mainly been craving.

On the morning of my appointment, I got up and showered and decided to leave my hair down natural. I put on a little bit of makeup and a pair of skinny jeans and a plain black doleman T-Shirt and a pair of black slide on sandals. Colby had on a pair of basketball shorts, a band Tee, sneakers, and his hair pulled back in a low ponytail and his glasses. 

We got in his silver 2015 Chevy Camaro and headed for the highway. As Colby drove, I looked over at him and smiled. I reached over and put my hand on the back of his neck and he glanced over at me and back at the road and smiled. "What?", he asked. "Nothing.. I just love you". He smiled and grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it and held it. "I love you too", he said back. I smiled and leaned over and kissed his cheek. "You look hot in your glasses, by the way", I said. He chuckled and shook his head.

When we pulled into the parking lot and headed inside and checked in. After we were taken to the exam room, I did as the nurse instructed and took my jeans and panties off and laid on the exam table and covered up with the sheet. Colby and I were talking when the doctor came in. "Good Morning, Ms.McMahon. how are you feeling?", he asked. "Better.. The morning sickness comes and goes", I said. "Any cravings so far?" "So far, the only thing I've been really craving is the cheese Pringles", I said. "Yeah, craving it enough that I have 2 cans with us at all times", Colby laughed. The doctor laughed and we got to the exam. He had me push the sheet down around my waist and squeezed the gel on my belly and waved the wand around. Colby grabbed my left hand and we watched the monitor. A few seconds after moving the wand around, we heard a heartbeat. I smiled and looked up at Colby and teared up and he was smiling even wider than I was. "It looks like you're about 12 weeks along, Maddison", he said. 

He printed off ultrasound pictures and I put them in my purse and we headed for the car. When we got to the car, Colby and I set up his phone on the stand on the dash and called his parents on FaceTime. When they answered, I smiled and so did Colby. "Hey, mom! We've got some news for you", Colby said. "What's that?", she asked. Colby grabbed the ultrasound pictures from my hand and held one up to the phone. We watched as her face went from trying to figure out what it was to shock. "Colby Daniel Lopez, are you two playing a joke on me?", she asked. "No, mom *Colby laughed* She's 12 weeks along". She started to cry and I looked at Colby worried. "Mom? Are you OK?", he asked. "I'm gonna be a grandma", she said as she smiled and wiped her tears. I sighed in relief and Colby grabbed my hand.

After we got off the phone with Colby's parents, we called mine and everyone was thrilled.

The following Monday, we were in Oklahoma for Monday Night RAW and Colby and I were about to tell our bosses. I had to tell my supervisor and Stephanie and Paul. Colby had to tell creative as well as Stephanie and Paul. 

I got dressed in my usual work shirt and jeans and sneakers and threw my hair up into a ponytail and did my makeup. Once we were both ready, we headed to the arena. 

We had set up a meeting with everyone at the same time, so it'd be easier to give all information necessary. Colby was wanting to take leave after the baby's born and I'd be gone for a few months after the baby's born, but Colby and I were talking about me quitting my job with WWE and becoming a physical therapist in Davenport. 

After our meeting, we left feeling better than we went in feeling. We were nervous, but knew everyone would be supportive. 

A few weeks later in May, we had another doctor's appointment. I'm now 15 weeks pregnant and I had a doctor's appointment scheduled and we were hopefully gonna be able to find out the gender. Colby was stuck at RAW after a PPV the night before, so he couldn't be here, so we decided if we can know the gender, the doctor's gonna put the ultrasound pictures in an envelope and Colby and I would open it together.

I got up and put on a pair of athletic shorts and a T-Shirt that's a size bigger than my usual T-Shirts are. I didn't have much of a bump, but I definitely had one:

I threw my hair up into a ponytail and grabbed the keys to my car and headed for my appointment

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I threw my hair up into a ponytail and grabbed the keys to my car and headed for my appointment.

When I got there, I was taken to an exam room and got ready for the doctor to come in. 

He examined me and started with the gel and wand again. I smiled when I heard the heartbeat. "So, do we want to know the gender?", he asked. "You can tell?" "Yes, ma'am", he said. "Can you put it in an envelope for me? My fiance isn't here and we wanted to find out together", I said. He smiled and agreed to do it. He printed off the ultrasound pictures and put them in a big yellow envelope and I headed home. 

I put the envelope on the kitchen counter and headed into the bedroom and put my shoes and socks away and went back into the kitchen to fix a sandwich for lunch. I sat at the kitchen counter on a bar stool and stared at the envelope. 

I finished eating and grabbed my phone and called Colby on FaceTime. "Hey, babe. How are you?", he asked. "I wanna open the envelope", I said. "Madi, we agreed to open it together", he laughed. "Well, I'm struggling to wait!", I said as I laughed. "I'm gonna be home late tonight, so we can open it then, okay? That is if you're still awake" "Wait, really!?" "Yes, I'm heading home tonight after RAW and going back out on the road with you on Thursday", he said. I smiled and teared up. "Come on, babe... Don't cry.. I'm not there to fix it", he said. "I'm sorry, it's just.. I love you so much".

Later that night, I was in bed asleep when I heard the front door open and shut. I climbed out of bed and threw on my sweatpants and pink silk robe and headed into the living room and saw Colby with his luggage. "Hey, handsome", I said. He looked up and dropped his bags and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my upper body/neck in a hug and I wrapped my arms around his waist. He kissed the top of my head and I tilted my head up and kissed him. 

After we pulled away, he held my hands and pulled them out and looked me up and down. "What?", I asked as I laughed. "You're just so beautiful with your little bump", he said. I smiled and rolled my eyes and kissed him again. "Let's go to bed", he said. "Uh, no", I said and grabbed him my the hand and went for the kitchen. "You promised we'd open the envelope when you got home and guess what.. YOU'RE HOME", I said and grabbed the envelope. He smiled and shook his head and sat down on one of the bar stools. "Alright. Open it", he said. 

I opened the envelope and grabbed the ultrasound picture and pulled it out. "Ready?", I asked. He nodded and I flipped it over and smiled widely. "It's a boy", I said. He smiled widely and got up and wrapped his arms around me again and kissed me.

When we finally went to bed, I laid on my right side and Colby got as close as he possibly could to me and rested his hand gently on my belly. I couldn't wait to meet our sweet boy.

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