Chapter 8

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August 2015

The past couple of months with Colby have been amazing. We've been hanging out backstage like we normally would; with Renee and the guys. We act like we're not anything special in public and at work, but when it's just us.. Colby is the most caring man I've ever dated. We have dinner, cuddle, kiss... After everything we've been through together, the simple stuff is just easy. It's hard to sneak between rooms, so Renee always gets a joining room with me and Jon and Colby get one and Renee and Colby switch keys before anyone notices. It's hard, but we make it work.

Right now, I'm getting ready to go to the arena. Colby doesn't have to be there until 30 minutes before doors open, but all production and training staff have to be in at least an hour before. I was applying my mascara when I felt 2 hands on my hips pulling me into a hug and I saw Colby in nothing but sweatpants behind me with bedhead. "Good evening, Sleeping Beauty", I said. He chuckled and pulled me in tighter and put his head on my shoulder as he kissed my neck. "Where are you going?", he asked with his eyes closed. "The arena. I gotta be there early, remember?". I turned around and rested my chin on his chest. He smiled down at me and I smiled back. "Can't you just stay here? We can have dinner early and leave right after the show", he said. "I wish. New rules, Cole.. I'm sorry", I said and softly kissed him. I walked over to the bed of my room and grabbed my purse and walked over to the doorway in between the rooms where Colby was standing. "I'll see you later, Mads", he said. "Bye", I said. I started walking to the door and he stopped me and motioned for me to go back. He grabbed the sides of my neck and kissed me like he did the first time we kissed and my knees went weak.

At the arena, I got strawberry and banana smoothie from catering and went to the trainer's room to do some paperwork. Before I knew it, the show was starting.

Since nobody had come in, I headed down to gorilla and watched Colby's match on the monitor. Just as he was going in for a spear, he missed and ran into the pole to the left as you're walking down the ramp. I cringed because I knew what that could mean. I felt a sickening feeling in my stomach and I felt like I needed to throw up.

After his match, he came walking to the back in his ring gear with his shirt off and gave me a look that I knew too well. I walked with him to the trainer's room and put him on a folding chair and examined his shoulder. I moved it in any direction I could to see if it was popped out of place, broken, or just sore, and it moved like it should. "You're good to go. I'm not hearing or feeling anything wrong, so just alternate between ice and heat until it feels better. Tape it up before the next 3 matches too", I said and walked in front of him. "Yes ma'am", he said as he smirked. He grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap and I straddled him. "We're gonna get caught", I said. "I don't care", he said and pulled me into a kiss. I started laughing and got up. "Let's go", I said.

When I opened my hotel room door, I saw candles lit all over the room and 2 takeout containers sitting on my bed. I looked behind me at Colby and smiled. "What's this?", I asked. I looked at him confused and he walked over to my bed and picked up a bouquet of red roses and smiled at me. "I've been thinking about this for a couple of weeks and the only answer I can hear in my head is 'yes'. So... I think the time is right. Maddison.. Do you wanna make this official and be my girlfriend?", he asked. I smiled widely and tackled him onto the bed and kissed him and his hands found my waist. "I'll take that as a yes?", he asked. I nodded my head yes and he smiled and grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me and sat the two of us up and picked me up and threw me onto the bed. I leaned onto my elbows and looked at him and he held out a to go container to me and I gladly took it.

We spent the rest of the night watching Blue Bloods and eating Chinese food.


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