Chapter 24

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Before we knew it, it was Friday and time for my doctor's appointment. I got up and took a shower and left my hair down to air dry and didn't bother with makeup. I threw on a pair of capris leggings and a grey racerback tank top and black running shoes and went into the living room where Colby was already waiting wearing his athletic shorts and a T-Shirt and sneakers and his hair back in a low bun. 

We got into his car and he pulled out of the driveway and headed for town. We were sitting at a red light when Colby reached over and grabbed my left hand and I smiled. 

We pulled into the parking lot of the doctor's office about 20 minutes later and we got out and walked inside hand in hand. We checked in and were immediately taken to the exam room. I sat on the exam bed and Colby stood beside me. 

When the doctor came in, she told me to lay back and I did as I was told and Colby grabbed my left hand in his left and rested his right hand on the bed above my head. "Okay, now this is gonna be a little cold", she said as she squirted the gel onto my belly. She moved the wand around and Colby and I watched the screen. "There's your baby", she said and pointed to a tiny spot on the monitor. "Why isn't there a heartbeat?", I asked. "You're not far enough along to detect a heartbeat just yet, so don't worry. We'll hear it at your next appointment", she said as she smiled. I looked at the screen and teared up and Colby kissed the top of my head. "That's our baby", I said. 

After our appointment, we headed back home and got ready to head out on the road. Once we were packed, we headed for the airport and headed for Oklahoma City where the next Monday Night RAW was to be held.

When we got to our seats, Colby took my left hand in his and smiled. "What?", I asked. "You got pregnant on our wedding night", he said and smirked. I laughed and leaned over and kissed him. 

When we landed, we went straight for the hotel.

It was around 8 PM when we got checked in and changed clothes, so we laid down. At some point, we had both fallen asleep and I woke up around 3 in the morning with heartburn. The doctor had warned me that I could get heartburn, so she gave me a list of things I could take while pregnant. 

I was up for about 4 more hours and finally got it under control enough to go back to sleep. I woke up around 9 AM and Colby wasn't in bed, but the shower was running. I got up and got dressed in my usual jeans and WWE polo. I touched up my hair and did my usual makeup and was tying my shoes when Colby came walking out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel on. He walked over to his suitcase and I walked up behind him and grabbed his right arm with my right hand and he turned around and looked at me confused. 

I pulled him down into a heated kiss and his hands immediately went to my ass and lower back and I smiled into the kiss. "What's that about?", he asked. "I don't know, I just... I guess the hormones are hitting extra hard. You look hot in nothing but a towel", I said and he smirked. He put his hands on my ass and pulled me closer to him and I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through his wet hair. "Well, you look hot too", he said and kissed me. "Colby", I moaned as he kissed my neck. "I have to go to the arena". He sighed and I pouted as he pulled away. "Just 30 minutes", he said and kissed me. I smiled and put my hands on his chest and gently pushed and he let go. He groaned and I laughed lightly. 

I grabbed my purse and kissed Colby one last time and headed for the arena.

When I got there, I put my things down in the trainer's room and headed for catering and sat down with a bottle of water and a single serve container of apples and grapes and scrolled through Instagram on my phone. I was just about to check my email when Renee sat down across from me. "Hey! How've you been?", she asked. "Great! Wish I could've slept better last night.. I got killer heartburn and nothing I took seemed to help", I said back. "Well, have you tried watermelon? Jon doesn't like taking medications and he swears by it. Or peppermint oil in water. Like 2 drops of oil", she said. 

We talked for a little while about the honeymoon and the move and before we knew it, it was almost show time. Colby came walking into catering wearing his ring gear and a Seth Rollins T-Shirt already ready to go. He walked over and kissed me and sat down beside me. We sat and talked for a few and then I had to go to work.

On July 28th, Colby and I were in Dallas, Texas for RAW. I was 16 weeks along and we were laying in bed talking about how we were gonna tell our families. We decided to have a big summer cookout when we go home for the weekend and invited them all to come. We had T-Shirts ordered and to be delivered the morning of the cookout that said "Baby Lopez coming January 2019" and we were gonna have everyone open them at the same time.

When we finally got to go home on Friday, we went straight to the store and bought hamburger meat, hot dogs, and everything else we needed. 

The next day, Colby and I got up and got dressed. I put on a pair of athletic shorts and a T-Shirt that's a size too big and a pair of Nike slides and put my hair up in a messy bun and Colby put on his usual shorts and T-Shirt. He went to grilling and I started getting the sides and desserts ready.

When everyone was finally here, we all went outside to eat. After everyone was done eating, we were sitting around the firepit eating smores and Colby and I got up and got everyone's gift bags and passed them out. "Alright... Open!", I said as I sat down. Everyone opened their bags and we watched as they all realized what was going on and what the big news was. Our parents cried and our siblings cheered. 

When everyone went home, Colby and I cleaned up. Well, I tried to clean up and Colby told me to go in the house and get the leftovers put away because it's so hot out. I went ahead and showered and changed into a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top. I walked by the mirror on the wall at the foot of our bed and noticed I had a bump. I turned sideways and looked to my right into the mirror and smiled and put both hands under my small bump. 

Colby scared me and made me jump when he walked up behind me. I sighed in relief and smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and rested his hands over mine. "I'm showing", I said. "You look beautiful", he said and kissed the side of my neck.

I couldn't believe how happy I was. I'm married to my best friend and expecting a beautiful baby soon. 

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