Chapter 15

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After we were dressed and ready to go, I sat on the bed looking down at my ring. "Babe?", he asked. I looked up at him and tears filled my eyes. He smiled and sat back down beside me and took my left hand in his. "What's up", he said. "I'm just so damn happy... Should we really wait to announce this? I don't wanna hide it. I spent most of my young adult life hiding my relationships.. I don't wanna do that again". He immediately let go of my hands and grabbed either side of my neck and kissed me. "We are NOT hiding anything, Mads. I swear to you. We just need to figure out what WE want while nobody else knows yet and tell our parents. Maddison... I want nothing more than to post you wearing that ring all over social media right now and tell the WORLD that I'm off the market forever.. But let's just enjoy this until we have people hounding us. Okay? I promise, the second we tell our families, we're telling anyone and everyone we come in contact with", he said.

I put the ring back in the box and grabbed my purse and Colby and I headed to the arena. When we walked inside, Colby went with me to put my things down and then we headed by the men's locker room so he could put his things down and then we walked hand in hand to catering. 

When we got there, we sat down at a table far from everyone else. I pulled my phone out and I pulled up weddings on Google. Colby laughed and took my phone and started looking through the pictures of decorations in reception halls. I looked up and saw Renee heading towards us, so I grabbed my phone and locked it and he gave me a weird look. I looked towards Renee and smiled and he put his hand on my thigh, so I knew it got the message.

Renee sat down across from us and smiled. "Hey guys! What's going on?", she asked. "Not a lot", I said as I smiled. "Alright, what's going on with you two?", she asked. I looked up at Colby and he just shrugged and smiled at her. She looked at me confused and then shock was all over her face. "OH MY GOD!", she exclaimed. "You're pregnant!", she whisper yelled. Colby and I started laughing and she got confused. "I'm not pregnant, Ren", I said. "Then what's going on?".

I looked at Colby and he put his left hand back on my right thigh. "You tell her if you want to", he said. I looked over and Renee and she looked at me bright eyed. I pulled my phone out and opened the picture of Colby and I down at the Golden Gate Bridge. I was standing on Colby's right side and had my left hand on his chest and we were smiling at each other. 

I took a deep breath and let it out and showed her the picture. "You guys went on a date before coming here? What's the big deal about that?", she asked and I laughed. "Look closer", I said. She almost spit out her water when she realized it. "Oh my gosh!", she whisper yelled. "You're engaged!?". I nodded my head yes as I smiled and she got up and sat down beside me, basically pushing Colby off of the bench. He sat across from me and laughed as Renee gushed. She grabbed my left hand and frowned when she didn't see the ring. "Where is it?", she asked. I pulled my hand back before anyone saw and laughed. "It's back at the room.. We're waiting until we tell our families to announce it", I said. 

After a little while of talking, Colby had to leave to get dressed and Renee and I headed to the trainer's room to do paperwork.

I walked down to gorilla and watched the last bit of Colby's match. As soon as it was over, he asked me to take a look at his wrist. "I didn't see you take a hard bump or anything", I said confused. "It really hurts, babe".

When we got to the trainer's room, I went over to my desk to grab the stress ball and turned around to see Colby sitting on the table. I walked over to him and handed him the ball and he threw it across the room. "What are you -" "I just said that so I could get away from everyone and come straight here", he said. I kissed him and he smiled. "Let's go back to the room", he said.

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