Chapter 6

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When we got to Boston, I went straight to my hotel room and changed into a T-Shirt and booty shorts and laid down on the bed. The past couple of weeks have been nonstop going and I was worn out.

A couple of hours later, I woke up to my phone going off. "Hello?", I said without looking at the name. I sat up when I heard Renee on the other end of the line. "Hey girl! Wanna go shopping? This part of Boston is supposed to have some AMAZING stores!", she exclaimed.  "Uh, sure. Let me get dressed".

After hanging up with Renee, I ran a hairbrush through my hair and threw it up into a ponytail and changed into a pair of white skinny jeans, a black long sleeve shirt, and a pair of black Converse. 

As I was putting a little bit of mascara on, there was a knock at the door. I finished applying mascara and opened the door and smiled when I saw Renee.

After a few hours of shopping, we headed back to the hotel and got changed and ready for RAW. 

I changed into my WWE shirt and headed for the arena. When I got there, I dropped my things off and looked at my phone. I had about 30 minutes before I was on the clock.

I walked down to catering and saw Colby sitting by himself with a salad and a small bag of chips. I walked over with 2 bottles of water and held one out to him. "With those salty ass chips, you'll need something", I said. He looked up and smiled weakly at me and I sat down on his left side. "How are you?", I asked. "As good as a man can be after having his junk plastered all over social media", he said. I let a laugh slip out and he looked at me. "It's fine, you can laugh at that", he said smiling. "You haven't touched your food", I said. "I took a couple of bites.. I just feel sick to my stomach", he said. "It'll pass. If you're still like you were at NXT, your appetite will be back", I said as I nudged him. He smiled and took a sip of his water. "I really appreciate you, Mads. You're pretty much the only friend that hasn't stopped talking to me" "Oh bull. Joe and Jon still talk to you! So does Renee" "Not like you do". I looked at him confused and he continued. "They're friendly, but they all think we have something going on. Like we're sleeping together and that's why my relationship fell apart" "We both know the truth, Cole. That's all that matters". He smiled at me and we went on to talking about the show and what was in store for him.

A few months later, Colby and I were closer than ever and I found myself starting to develop feelings for him, but I pushed them aside because I knew he didn't feel the same. 

It was the week of Colby's birthday and he was gonna be home, so Renee, the guys, and I decided to fly out to Davenport and surprise him. With everything he's been dealing with, we wanted him to have something good to think about.

We all arrived in Davenport and went straight to our hotel room and got ready. I put on a pair of ripped dark denim skinny jeans, a pale pink flowing spaghetti strap crop top, and a pair of brown just below the knee zip up boots and a black leather jacket. I left my hair down naturally wavy and did my usual makeup and headed to Jon and Renee's room and we all headed down to the rental car where Joe was waiting for us.

We climbed inside and headed to the store and bought a cake and balloons and headed for his house. It was about 11 AM and we all assumed that he'd still be in bed.

Renee knocked on the door and nobody answered, so she knocked again. We heard a thud and an "I'm coming!" come from inside and we all smirked a little. 

About a minute later, the door opened and we were welcomed by the sight of Colby wearing basketball shorts and nothing else and his hair was all over the place. "What are you guys doing here?", he asked confused. He moved to the side and we all went inside. "We decided to surprise you for your birthday!", Renee exclaimed and a smile crept onto Colby's face. "You've been having a rough couple of months, so we decided to pop in and try to cheer you up", I said. "Thank You, guys. It means a lot. Uh.. Let me go get dressed".

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