Chapter 13

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The next day, I woke up in my own bed in my own apartment. I barely slept. 

I got up and slid on my pink silk robe and headed into the kitchen and started making coffee and heard a knock at the door. I walked over to the door and opened it and Colby was standing there wearing a pair of dark denim jeans, a T-Shirt, and his black leather jacket. Before I could say anything, He grabbed the sides of my neck and started kissing me. I walked backwards and he slammed the door shut with his foot. When we were even with the kitchen bar between the living room and kitchen, he pulled back, breathing heavy. "I flew all night. Please, Maddison, don't leave. I'm sorry. I should've just talked to you about moving in together. I shouldn't have sprung it on you like that considering what you've been through. I love you".

I reached up and grabbed his neck and kissed him. I pulled back and Colby wiped the tear from my right cheek that had slipped out. "I love you too", I said.

About an hour later, we were laying in my bed with nothing on but the sheets. Colby leaned over and kissed me and I sighed. He sat up and I sat up with him and sat on his lap and kissed him. "Why did you leave yesterday?", he asked. "I don't want to fight.. I just want to talk.. Why don't you want to move in with me?". I rolled off of him and leaned against the head of my bed and pulled the sheets over my chest and turned to my left to look at him. I crossed my legs and folded my hands. "You can't say anything until I'm done, okay?". He nodded and I took a deep breath and looked down at my hands. "I said no because Brock wasn't abusive until we moved in together. Everything was perfect when we weren't living together.. But 4 months after I moved in with him, I started noticing the verbal abuse and he hit me for the first time. I know you would NEVER do anything to hurt me, but it just took me back to that mentality and I went into fight mode", I said. He sat up and grabbed my hand with his right hand and grabbed the left side of my neck with the other. "Hey", he said. I let a few tears fall and he sighed. "Look at me", he said. I looked up at him and he bent down and gently kissed me. "I love you. I would NEVER hurt you like that. Hurting you by not talking to you yesterday about killed me. I can't imagine ever hurting you. I'm sorry. So so sorry. I should've talked to you. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that shit before. That's behind you now, okay? I promise, you'll never go through that again", he said and kissed me and pulled me down on top of him.

A few hours later, we got up to go get lunch. I put on a pair of running shorts and Colby's T-Shirt and he put on a pair of jeans and a T-Shirt and we went to the store for chicken breasts and stuff to go with it and went back to my apartment and made lunch.

We were sitting on the couch after we ate and I straddled his lap and kissed him. "Yes", I whispered as I leaned my forehead against his. "Yes...?" "Yes, I'll move in with you".  "Are you sure?", he asked. "I'm sure.. Our talk made me feel better". We smiled at each other and he kissed me again and pulled me down for a hug.

A few days later, Colby was in Alabama for a doctor's appointment and I was in New Jersey for RAW. 

A few months later, Colby and I were standing in the hotel room and he was getting dressed. He had gotten cleared to return at Extreme Rules and it was finally here. 

When we got to the arena, the SUV pulled up to a bus in the back and Colby flipped his hood up and headed inside and I went to the arena.

When he went running out, everyone cheered and yelled and I couldn't be happier for him. When he got to the back, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him and held him close in a hug. Someone snapped a picture of it and sent it to me, so I posted it to social media when we got back to the room. I captioned it with: '@wwerollins, where do I begin... These past 6 months have been a whirlwind and I can't even begin to imagine what you've been through. I love you so damn much. Here's to you, babe' and he commented on it and said: 'I couldn't have done it without you. I love you'.

In June, Colby and I took the week of my birthday and went to Cozumel, Mexico for a vacation. On my birthday, we went out to a fancy dinner. Colby wore a black suit with a black button down shirt and tie and I wore a midthigh length spaghetti strap black dress with matching heels and straightened my hair and did a dark smoky eyeshadow look and red lips. After dinner, we went for a barefoot walk on the beach and I held his right hand in my left as we walked.

After we got back to the room, he handed me a small bag and I smiled when I opened it and saw a diamond heart shaped necklace with a C in the middle of the heart. I smiled and kissed him. He was the sweetest man on Earth.

In August, we celebrated our anniversary. I bought a new dress and shoes and headed to his place. We had just gotten all of my things moved in, but everything was still in boxes. 

The day before our anniversary, I was in the middle of taking a shower when I froze. I'm 2 weeks late. 

I quickly got dressed and headed to the nearest drug store and bought a pregnancy test. When I got home, I went to the bathroom and peed on the stick and sat on the side of the bathtub.

After 5 minutes, I got up and picked up the test; shaking. I looked at it and started crying. Negative. I couldn't believe that I had been so reckless. This could easily have been a life changing problem.

I tossed the test into the trash and went to the kitchen and started getting everything ready for dinner. Colby was home for the weekend and our anniversary date, so I wanted to do something special.

Colby came home in his gym clothes and walked into the kitchen and looked at me confused and I just smiled at him. "We're making pizza for dinner", I said. "What?", he asked. "We're gonna make pizza together".

For about an hour and a half, Colby and I were playing around with the pepperoni's and throwing cheese at each other, but we eventually got it put together and in the oven.

Colby went into the bathroom to shower, but I never heard the water start. He walked into the living room with the the pregnancy test in his hand and looked at me with a blank expression. "Are you pregnant?", he asked as he sat on the coffee table in front of me. "No..", I said. He sighed and put the test down and grabbed my hands. "You can come to me with this kind of thing.. You don't have to hide it", he said. "I know.. I just didn't know how you'd react", I said.

A little while later, I was feeling better after talking to Colby. 

After dinner, Colby handed me a large gift bag and I looked at him confused. "Just open it", he said as he laughed. I opened it and pulled out a white scrapbook with 'Year One' written on the front and opened it. It was full of pictures of us. The first picture was the picture he took of me on our first date and I was smiling. The next few photos were of us over the past year and the last one was a picture he took of me a week ago before we went out to dinner before a live event. I looked up at him with tears threatening to spill out and he said "Turn the page". I flipped it over and there was a handwritten note taped to the back of the book that read: 'Madi.. You are the most incredible woman I have ever met. I think I may have loved you from day one. You've shown me what it's like to love a woman with my whole heart and feel appreciated. I've loved every second we've spent together over this past year. The good AND the bad. Happy 1 Year Anniversary, babe. I love you'. 

I looked up at him crying and all I could do was wrap my arms around him in a hug. "Do you like it?", he asked as we hugged. "I love it", I said. 

This past year with Colby has been amazing and I wouldn't trade my time with him for anything.

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