Chapter 23

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A few weeks later, Colby and I were packing our things to move into the new house. We bought a beautiful 2 story home (Betty's on Riverdale) right outside of Davenport. It has a beautiful fenced in yard and Colby and I couldn't wait to get started on renovating it.

We planned on adding a bigger patio and fire pit and grilling area. We wanted to be done and moved in by Colby's birthday so we could have a cookout with friends and family.

About a week before Colby's birthday, we had everything unpacked and in it's place and I was sitting on the brand new patio with a glass of iced tea watching Colby put the fire pit together. 

It was hot, so he had taken off his shirt and had sweat dripping down his perfect body. I couldn't believe this is the man I married.

I got up off of the wooden porch swing we had set up, and walked over to him. "You know I could've helped you, right?", I asked. "I'm almost done", he said as he screwed in the last nail. It was a gorgeous round black fire pit with 'Lopez est 2018' cut out of the side. My sister and brother in law got it for us as a house warming gift. 

Once he finished, he stood up and smiled at me. I smiled back and he wrapped his right arm around my shoulders and pulled me into him. I tilted my head up and he bent down just enough to kiss me. "I love you and you did an amazing job putting this together, but... You need a shower", I said as we pulled away. He laughed and nodded and grabbed my glass and chugged the rest of my tea. "Hey!", I exclaimed as I laughed. "What? I've been sweating my ass off on this and you've been sitting in the shade", he joked. I laughed and took the glass and walked towards the back door and he ran up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "Colby! You're sweaty and gross!", I said as I laughed. "Well, now you are too.. So you have to join me", he said as he smacked my ass as he jogged by me. 

After our shower, we sat on the couch and went over dinner options and decided to just go into town for a nice dinner. 

As I was getting ready, I started feeling sick to my stomach. I brushed it off and straightened my hair and put on a pair of skin tight high waist black pants and a white cropped spaghetti strapped flowy tank top and a pair of maroon heels and did simple makeup. 

I walked out into the bedroom and saw Colby fixing his tie and I smiled and walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head down on his back. He turned around and wrapped his arms around my upper body and kissed the top of my head. "You feeling OK?", he asked. "Yeah, just a little sick to my stomach is all", I said. He put his right hand on my forehead and frowned. "You're not warm", he said. "I think it's just the stress of getting the house done before your birthday", I shrugged. "Do you wanna stay in?". I looked up at him and half smiled. "No. We haven't gone out to dinner since our honeymoon. We're going out", I said and laid my head on his chest. "You're something else", he laughed.

When we got to the restaurant, we were taken to our usual booth and sat down. We both ordered a salad and water and Colby ordered a steak and I ordered grilled chicken. 

When the food came, I ate all of my salad and the main course finally came. I was starving until they put our food on the table. The second I got a whiff of Colby's steak, I got nauseous. I powered through and took a small bite of my chicken, but when Colby cut into his steak, I had to make a dash for the restroom. 

I speed walked all the to the bathroom and ran towards a stall and slammed the door shut and threw up everything I had just eaten. When I got done, I sat down on the cool tile floor and leaned my head against the stall wall. When I felt like I could stand again, I got up and cleaned myself up at the sink and went back to the table. I sat down and got nauseous again. "Can we go home?", I asked. Colby looked at me worried and motioned for our waiter for the check. Colby quickly paid and we got up to head to his car. 

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