Chapter 18

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April 2017

Over the past few months, Colby and I had gotten some wedding planning done and we were pretty excited about it. For the past month, I've been looking for the perfect dress for the Hall of Fame and I finally found it.

When it came time for WrestleMania week, Colby and I flew out a week before Mania and booked a hotel room. Monday-Friday, Colby had Axxess and and I had physical therapy with different superstars, so we barely saw each other unless we were sleeping. 

On the last day of Axxess, Colby was out on the stage wearing a pair of jeans and one of his newer T-Shirts and his hair pulled back in a low bun. I had the afternoon off, so I had on a pair of ripped skinny jeans and the same T-Shirt Colby was wearing with a pair of black converse sneakers. My hair was down natural and I had on my usual makeup. I stood at the side of the backstage area and watched as he did meet and greet photos and did his panel. I was taking a picture of him when I heard a fan ask "How did you know your fiance was the one for you?", she asked.

I put my phone back in my pocket and twirled the ring on my left hand. "That's easy.. I think deep down, I always knew. We met when we were both in committed relationships. We were instantly friends from the moment we met. When my fiance tweeted photos of me, she was the only person that didn't turn her back on me and supported me. She, uh... She's always been there. Since day one. After that, she got out of an abusive relationship and I made sure that he went to jail and he's still in jail *crowd cheers*. I think I had feelings for her first. With my first engagement, we had nothing planned. At all. I think deep down, a part of me wanted to end that relationship, but I was too afraid to. When we were both single at the same time, it took me a while to admit it, but when I did... Wow. She was all I could think about. Night and day. When we finally got together, I just had that feeling... This is it. She's truly the one I want to spend the rest of my life with", he said. "Did you feel the same about your ex?", another fan asked. "No. Not at all. I loved her and I definitely felt like marrying her was what I wanted to do... But man... The feeling I got when I fell for Maddison.... It's something you can't describe, it's... Fella's, if you get engaged and you don't have that gut feeling telling you this is perfect.. If you don't feel like you're gonna throw up.. If you don't get that I'll die if she says no feeling.. It's not it", he said.

When his Q&A was over, I was in tears. I wiped the tears from my eyes. He walked off stage and down the steps and I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I sniffled. "Why are you crying?", he asked. I pulled back and let go and put my arms around his waist. "You... You are the most amazing man", I said and stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. When I pulled back, he wrapped his arms around my neck/upper body and I wrapped mine around his waist. "You heard what I said out there", he said. "I did". I looked up at him and smiled and he smiled back.

The next day, Colby got ready and headed to the Hall of Fame a little early to talk with creative. I fixed my hair and makeup:

 I fixed my hair and makeup:

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