Chapter 25

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A few weeks later, I had a doctor's appointment and was hopefully going to be able to tell the gender. We wanted to throw a gender reveal party, so whatever it is, we were having the doctor put it in an envelope. 

I quickly showered and put on a pair of ripped jean shorts and a white flowy doleman shirt and a pair of Nike slides and left my hair down natural and did natural makeup. Colby was supposed to be here by now so he could go with me, but he wasn't here yet and I hadn't heard from him. I waited as long as I could, so I grabbed my purse and got into my car and headed for the doctor's office.

I got checked in and sat down and looked down at my tiny bump and smiled. 

Once I was taken back to the exam room, I got ready and put the blanket over my lower half and laid back and waited on the doctor. 

The doctor came in and put the gel on my belly and moved the wand around. Right as we started to hear the heartbeat, the door flew open and closed and Colby was at my side and out of breath. "Hey! What happened?", I asked as he bent down and kissed me and took my left hand in his and put his right hand on the exam bed over my head. "My phone died at the airport and my flight got delayed.. I'm so sorry, babe, I -" "Cole, don't worry.. It's OK. Things happen", I said. He smiled and kissed me again and smiled. "Are we wanting to know the gender?", the doctor asked. "You can tell already?", I asked. "Yes", the doctor said. "We actually want to do a gender reveal", Colby said. The doctor nodded and smiled and left the room. 

I looked up at Colby and smiled and he bent down and kissed me. "We have a healthy baby", I said and started to cry. Colby smiled and grabbed my hands. 

The doctor came back and handed us the envelope and I put it in my purse and we headed for the parking lot. 

When we got home, Colby unpacked his suitcase and I changed into one of his T-Shirts and a pair of athletic shorts and sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.

Shortly after, Colby came in the living room in a pair of sweatpants and a T-Shirt and sat down on my left side and wrapped his right arm around me and held my left hand in his and I put my right hand over my small bump. "What do you think it is?", I asked. "I think it's a boy", Colby said and he smirked. "But I'll be happy with whatever it is as long as he or she is healthy and happy", he said. "What about you?", he asked. "I think it's a boy too", I said. He smiled and ran his thumb over my hand. 

We spent the rest of the night talking baby names. 

The next morning, I woke up sweating. A big part of this pregnancy was how hot I was constantly and I hated it. I hate the heat and being hot. 

I got out of bed and quietly went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I threw on one of Colby's T-Shirts and a black lace thong and french braided my hair. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Colby was still asleep, so I slipped out of the bedroom and went into the kitchen. The clock on the stove read 8:47 AM. I opened the fridge and grabbed the orange juice and poured some into a stemless wine glass and sat down on the stool beside the kitchen island. I was hungry, but wasn't sure what for. I grabbed the TV remote and turned on the TV and a commercial for pancake and waffle syrup was on and I immediately got a craving for waffles. 

I got up and pulled out the waffle maker and the mix and started mixing up the batter. I poured the batter into the waffle maker and stood and stared at the waffle maker as it cooked the batter. When it was done, I flipped it over to cook the other side. When I let go of the handle, I felt two hands on my hips and a soft kiss on the left side of my neck. I smiled as I leaned into Colby and laid my head against his chest. "Good Morning", I said as he kissed my neck again. "Morning", he said as he kept kissing my neck. He chuckled when I moaned and tilted my head back to give him more room and I spun around and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips and he pulled me closer to him. 

I moaned as he put his hands on my lower back and moved one of them down to grab my ass. The timer went off and I turned around and opened the waffle maker and grabbed a plate and a fork and put the waffle on my plate and walked over to the cabinet. Colby laughed and opened the fridge. "What?", I asked. "Nothing, we just go from getting all hot and bothered and about to have some hot morning sex and you ditch it for your waffles", he said as he pulled strawberries out of the fridge and laughed some more. I rolled my eyes and laughed as I put syrup on my waffles and grabbed my plate and sat down at the kitchen island. Colby walked over to me and put 5 strawberries on my plate. I looked at him confused and he chuckled and kissed my forehead. "The doctor said to make sure you eat healthy during pregnancy", he said and took a bite of my waffle. "Hey!", I said and he kissed me and left to go get dressed.

After breakfast, I got dressed and Colby and I got packed and ready to go to the next Monday Night RAW.

When we landed, we went straight to the hotel. I checked the time and we had 5 hours before we had to be at the arena, so I quickly changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top and laid down while Colby went and got something to eat. 

I woke up about an hour and a half later and looked behind me and saw Colby leaned against the head of the bed asleep. I smiled and sat up and laid my head on his chest. I immediately felt his right arm wrap around my waist and smiled when it rested on my belly. I put my hand over his and looked up at him. He smiled sleepily at me and I kissed him. "What did you get to eat?", I  asked. "Pizza. Your favorite. It's by the microwave", he said and laid back. I smiled at him and got up and grabbed the pizza and warmed up 2 slices and sat back down on bed.

After I ate, I threw away my plate and sat on the bed and leaned my head back against the headboard. Colby had laid down in bed when I warmed up my food, so he was fast asleep. He rolled over and laid his head against my side and put his arm around my lower stomach. Butterflies flew as he sighed and I smiled. 

About an hour later, I woke up with Colby pressed against my back with his left arm thrown over my waist. I got up and went into the bathroom. When I came back out, Colby was on his back with his left hand behind his head and his right hand on his stomach. I walked over and sat down and smiled. Since we found out I'm pregnant again, he worries constantly. Whenever we have down time and are able to watch TV or getting ready to go to bed, he's on his phone or has his head in a book on pregnancy. He's done so much research on doctor's and tries to learn anything and everything he can about pregnancy. He doesn't have very many times in the day where he's stress and worry free, but when he's asleep, he looks so peaceful and worry free.

I bent down and gently kissed his lips and he kissed me back almost immediately. I smiled and he rubbed my left arm. He rolled over onto his right side and looked at the clock and sat up. "I gotta be at the arena in 2 hours. Why didn't you wake me up?", he asked. "You looked so peaceful and adorable and I didn't wanna wake you because you're so stressed out all the time and worried about me and the baby and and and", I said as I started to cry and sat down on the foot of the bed. He got up and walked over to me and wrapped his right arm around me. "Hey, hey, hey... What's wrong?", he asked as he pulled me closer to him. "You're mad at me", I said through sobs. "I'm not mad at you", he said as he rubbed my back. "You're not?", I asked as I looked at him. He smiled at me and grabbed my hands. "No, I'm not. I promise", he said. "I thought you were", I said as I cried harder.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. "Why would you think that?", he asked as he kissed the top of my head. "Because I didn't wake you up", I said. "I promise, I'm not mad. I was just asking". I leaned back and smiled at him and started crying again. "Damn hormones", I said. We both laughed and he kissed me. "I'm gonna get dressed and head in, okay?". I nodded at him and he got up and grabbed his clothes and started getting ready to head to the arena. 

I got dressed and quickly french braided my hair, deciding I should go ahead and go with Colby. 

When we were both ready, we headed to the arena and Colby headed for the dressing room and I headed for the trainer's room.

Over the next couple of weeks, it slowly got around backstage that I'm pregnant, but everyone understood that we didn't want it told and why. 

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