Chapter 7

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The next morning, I woke up and checked the time on my phone. 8:43 AM. I unlocked it and saw that I had a text from Colby. I smiled as I read it.

-Colby: Good Morning, Mads. Call or text me when you're up
-Me: Morning! I'm up. Breakfast then workout?
-Colby: Sounds like a plan. Give me 30 minutes

As I waited on Colby, I brushed out my hair and pulled it up into a french braid and changed into a pair of leggings, sports bra, and a cropped T-Shirt and sneakers. I went in the bathroom and washed my face and put on my moisturizer.

As I was turning on the TV, I heard a knock at the door. I walked over and looked through the peep hole and saw Colby with a to go tray with 2 coffee cups in it and a bag of food in the other. He was wearing a pair of joggers and a T-Shirt and his workout sneakers and his hair pulled back into a half bun.

I opened the door and smiled and let him in. "So, I see you're already dressed for a workout", he said. I looked him up and down and he smirked. "I figured you'd still be in your sweats", I said. He laughed and handed me the bag. Breakfast burrito and hot sauce - my favorite.

As we ate, we talked about workout routines. When we were done, I grabbed my room key and phone and headed for the door with Colby right behind me. He grabbed my hand and I turned around and looked at him and he looked at me confused. "I forgot to do something", he said. "What do you mean? We can run by -", I was cut off by his lips gently landing on mine. I smiled into the kiss and he put his hands on the sides on my neck and I put mine on his elbows. When he pulled back, He chuckled and said "That". I rolled my eyes and we headed down to the hotel's gym.

When we were done, I went back to my room, but gave Colby my room key when I unlocked the door. "Come back and we can head downstairs together", I said. He smiled and walked off and I jumped in the shower. When I got out, I put a towel around me and walked out into the room to see Colby sitting there with joggers and a T-Shirt and sneakers. I walked to the table where my suitcase was and grabbed my clothes and lotion and heard a whistle from the bed. I looked at Colby and giggled and he winked at me. I went into the bathroom and put on my black raspberry lotion and put on my leggings, tank top, and socks and walked out into the room again. 

When I made sure I had everything packed, I ran some curl enhancing mousse through my hair and put my sneakers on and we grabbed our things and headed for the door. "Hey, Madi?", he asked. I turned around and looked up at him. "One more kiss before we have to hide this?", he asked. I smiled and put my purse and suitcase down and wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist. "Better make it one that'll last to the next hotel", I said. He smirked and leaned in and kissed me. His lips barely touched mine at first, so I pulled him closer. I felt him smile into the kiss, so I smiled back and he kissed me deeply. I've never had a kiss like this before. A kiss where I felt safe and happy. 

When I pulled away, Colby picked up his bags and I grabbed mine and we headed downstairs where Jon and Renee were waiting out front.

The guys loaded our suitcases and Renee and I got in the car. "So, did you guys have sex last night?", she asked. "Renee!", I said. "What? The guys can't hear!" "Okay, fine. No, we didn't. I had a panic or anxiety attack and ended up crying... But we did talk about how we felt about each other and we're going on our first date soon", I said. Renee looked at me apologetically and I smiled weakly at her. "I'm sorry, Madi, I didn't mean to -" "It's fine.. Colby didn't know at all and he felt terrible.. We almost had sex though", I said. We laughed and she turned around in the front seat and I leaned back in the back. 

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