Chapter 10

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The first couple of weeks with Colby were.... Trying. He was terrible at just sitting down and relaxing. I'd come back from the grocery store or wake up in the morning or come back from a workout and he'd be doing dishes, doing laundry, cleaning, ANYTHING to be up and moving. 

I went back to Colby's around 10 AM after an hour long workout at the wrestling academy he owns.

When I got back, I threw my gym bag on the couch and walked into the bedroom and saw him folding laundry. "What are you doing?", I asked, obviously fed up with him doing crap like this. "Folding laundry", he said and limped over to me and went to kiss me and I turned my head so he'd only catch my cheek. "What's wrong?", he asked. I sighed and walked over to the bed and sat down. "I took the month off for us to spend time together and HELP YOU. All you've done since we got back was go against doctor's orders to relax and I'm fed up", I said. "Babe, I -" "No. Listen. I took time off to help you. Not sit back and watch you go ahead and do everything yourself. Yeah, getting up and taking a walk is great for your knee, but you're supposed to be RESTING. I'm here to do laundry, go grocery shopping, clean the house... Whatever else that needs to be done that you SHOULDN'T be doing. Maybe I should just pack my shit and go back to work", I said as I got up and walked over to my suitcase. "Mads", he said. I ignored him and started throwing clothes into my suitcase, clearly too pissed to talk. "MADDISON", he said. I turned around and glared at him. 

He walked over to me and I crossed my arms and he put his hands on my biceps and smiled at me. "I'm sorry, Mads. You ARE helping me, I promise. It's just.. I need to feel useful. Like I'm doing something". My face softened and I grabbed the sides of his neck and kissed him. "You're doing your part by getting better. Do your exercises and sit your ass on the couch and RELAX. Let me do everything else", I said. He nodded and kissed me and I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Did we just have our first fight?", he asked. I laughed and shook my head. "No, babe. That was a disagreement. Fighting would end in me calling you a dick and storming out", I said and pecked his lips. "Now, get your ass in the living room and SIT DOWN before we really do fight", I said as I smacked him on the ass. "You're lucky I can't chase you because that's one way to end up naked on the bed for kinky shit", he yelled after me.

He came walking down the hallway and I was in the kitchen shredding chicken for tacos for lunch and I smiled at him. He sat down on the couch and I grabbed 2 bottles of water and walked into the living room and he somehow managed to trip me and I fell across his lap and he spanked me and I started laughing. "Payback's a bitch", he said laughing. I sat up and took my spot on his left side and handed him a bottle of water. Around 11, I got up and went into the bathroom and showered and Colby got dressed in a pair of basketball shorts and a T-Shirt and put his knee brace back on. When I got out of the shower, I put on a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a WWE Performance Center T-Shirt and left my hair down and put on my usual makeup. 

Around noon, there was a knock at the door and Colby got excited. I finished warming up the soft and hard tortillas and he opened the door and I heard about 5 different voices. I walked into the living room and smiled as I walked over to Colby and took his right hand in my left. "Guys, this is my girlfriend, Maddison. Madi, these are my friends from high school. I smiled at them and shook their hands as they introduced themselves and we all went to the kitchen to fix plates of food.

Around 3, they all left and Colby sat on the couch as I went into the dining room to check on dinner. Colby wanted pot roast, mashed potatoes and roast gravy, green beans, and corn for dinner and brownies with ice cream for dessert. It was simple enough, but that wasn't why I was starting to get nervous. I was starting to get nervous because his mom and step dad were coming over for dinner.

I sat down beside him and he put his left arm around me and I cuddled up to him. "I need to go straighten my hair and redo my makeup and -" "Why do you need to do all of that?" "Your mom and step-dad are coming over.. I wanna look decent", I said. "Babe, you're perfect. If I had it my way, she'd meet you when you don't have any makeup on and your hair's a mess because that's when you're the most beautiful. I want her to know the real you.. Not the you that you think she wants". I smiled and teared up and kissed him. "You're amazing", I said. "Only because I love you", he said. 

I got up and went into the bathroom and ran some Aussie curl mousse through my hair and scrunched it to touch up my hair and touched up my makeup. When I was done, I changed into a black maxi skirt with a plain white V neck T-Shirt tucked in and put on my black zip up boots. When I was dressed, I walked out into the bathroom and saw Colby sliding on a black button down shirt. "So much for not impressing your mom", I said and he turned around. "She'll kill me if I don't look half decent for this", he said and I laughed. I walked over to him and finished buttoning up his shirt and wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tiptoes to kiss him. "She's gonna see how much you love me and that'll be enough for her to like you. Don't be nervous", He said. 

Around 6 PM, the doorbell rang and Colby walked over to answer it and I put dinner on the table. Colby walked into the dining room and I smiled at his mom and step-dad. "Mom, Bob, this is Maddison. Madi, this is my mom, Holly and my stepdad, Bob", he said. I smiled and shook their hands. "How are you guys?", I asked. "We're doing great", his mom said. We all sat down at the table (Me on Colby's left side and Colby's mom in front of him and his step-dad in front of me). We all ate and laughed and joked around and had an overall good time.

Around 10 PM, they decided to leave and Colby walked them to the door as I put dishes in the sink to be rinsed off and put in the dishwasher and I couldn't help but overhear their conversation. "She's a lovely girl, Colby. I like her much better than that big breasted, too much makeup wearing floozy you were engaged to", she said. I heard Colby laugh. "She's great, mom. I haven't felt like this about a woman in a long time. I love her, mom". I teared up and wiped my eyes and started rinsing off dishes. "We better get going. Call me tomorrow", she said. "I better get in there and help her or I might get scolded", he said and they both laughed.

About a minute later, I felt 2 hands on my waist and I smiled as Colby kissed my neck. "Can't these wait until tomorrow? I wanna go to bed", he said. "There's not that much, babe. Go to bed and I'll be there shortly" "Not the kind of going to bed I was talking about". I turned around and his eyes were full of lust and he grabbed the sides of my neck and kissed me. "Didn't the doctor say no strenuous activity for the first month?" "It's not strenuous on my knee if you're on top", he said and reached around and grabbed my butt. I bit my lip and put my hands on his chest. "If that's what you want", I said and winked. "Go to bed. I'll be done by the time you get in there and get that damn brace off. This shit will stick if I don't do this now". He groaned and kissed me and I laughed as he walked down the hallway.

The next morning, I woke up and looked over and saw Colby asleep. He hadn't gotten much sleeping done since his surgery, so I slowly and quietly got out of bed and grabbed his T-Shirt and my panties and slid them on and went into the bathroom. Colby's T-Shirt was like a damn mini dress on me, but I loved wearing his shirts. They smelled like him.

I shut the bathroom door quietly and turned the water on and brushed my teeth. As I was brushing my teeth, I felt Colby walk up behind me and I looked in the mirror and all he had on was a pair of sweatpants. "What are you doing?", he asked. "Getting ready to go fix breakfast.. I was planning on surprising you with breakfast in bed", I said and turned around and wrapped my arms around him after I rinsed my mouth. He smiled and kissed me. "What would I do without you?", he said. "Crash and burn", I said and winked. He laughed and I kissed him and went to fix breakfast. It really sucked that I had to leave in a couple of days.

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