Chapter 26

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Before I knew it, I was 20 weeks pregnant and baby Lopez was active as ever. Colby and I are currently in Dallas, Texas for Monday Night RAW.

As I sat on the bed waiting for Colby to get ready to go to the arena, I ran my left hand over my little bump and thought about the first time I felt the baby kick.

I was getting ready for dinner with Colby when I felt a flutter in my belly. That's never happened before. I looked at myself in the mirror and fought back the urge to cry. What if something's wrong with this baby? I put my mascara tube on the counter and walked into the bedroom and looked at Colby. He was wearing a nice black suit and had his hair tied back in a low bun. He turned around when he saw me in the mirror and smiled. "You look beautiful in that dress", he said as he walked over to me and put his hands on my waist. I was wearing a floor length spaghetti strap loose fitting maroon color dress and had my hair straightened and flowing down my back. I looked down at the floor and felt a tear slip out. "Hey, what's wrong?", he asked as he grabbed my chin and gently pulled my face up to look at him. "I think something's wrong with the baby", I said. He got a panicked look and grabbed my hands and we sat on the bed. "What do you mean?", he asked, his face going pale. "I keep feeling this... Movement.. I think something's wrong", I said. Just as I finished talking, it happened again. "Like this!", I said and put his hand over my belly. We sat there for a few more minutes and it happened again and I realized what it was. I started crying again and put both hands over my belly. "Colby, I'm such an idiot. Nothing's wrong", I said. He looked at me confused and I smiled up at him. "Our baby's moving. Kicking!", I said. He smiled widely at me. "Really?", he asked. I took his hand and put it over where I felt the last movement. "Talk, I think the baby likes to hear your voice", I said. Colby smiled and rubbed his thumb back and forth. "Hi, baby. It's daddy", he started and looked up at me. "Can you move for daddy? Your mommy and I can't wait to meet you. We love you so much already", he said. Just as he finished, there was another big kick and we both smiled.

Colby walked into the room from the bathroom and picked up his shoes. "What are you thinking about?", he asked as he put his shoes on. "The baby.. This pregnancy is flying by", I said. He walked over to me and sat down beside me and kissed me passionately. "You know, we can make as many babies as we want", he said and kissed me again and pushed me back on the bed. I giggled as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Let's just get this one born first before we start thinking about more babies", I said. He chuckled and kissed me and kissed down my neck. I moaned and he ran a hand down my side. "Cole, we gotta go to the arena", I said. He groaned and got up and I laughed. He helped me up and we grabbed our things. "Fine, we'll go to work. But I'm not happy about it", he said and I laughed. 

We walked into the arena hand in hand and laughing. I leaned my head against his shoulder as we walked and I put my right hand on my belly. I couldn't believe how happy Colby and I are.

Since I've started showing, I've been wearing dresses and loose fitting tops in public, but that's all changing soon. Colby and I are taking a few photos to announce the pregnancy on social media. 

A few days later, Colby and I were in Davenport for the weekend. We got up and had breakfast and got dressed. I was wearing a beautiful above the knee length pale pink T-Shirt dress that tied in a knot at the bottom and a pair of tan lace up heels. My hair was down in it's natural curls and my usual makeup. Colby was wearing a pair of tan cargo shorts and a navy blue polo shirt with his hair in a knot. 

Colby's sister in law came over and we stood in front of the tree in our backyard and stood side by side. I stood on Colby's left side and put my left hand under my bump and my right arm around Colby's lower back and he put his left arm around my lower back and his right hand in his pocket and we smiled for the first picture and kissed for the second one.

After his sister in law went home, Colby and I sat on the couch and got ready to post the pictures along with our recent ultrasound pictures. I captioned them with: 'Colby and I are excited to announce that we're expecting! Baby Lopez is healthy and active. Words can't express how happy we are. Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you, baby'. Colby posted all of the same pictures I did, but added one of me holding the pregnancy test up and smiling at him. I didn't have on a drop of makeup when I showed him the pregnancy tests. He posted all of them and captioned them: 'There are a lot of words that describe you and make you... You. Kind, loving, caring, selfless, thoughtful, daughter, sister, friend, wife... But I think my favorite one will be MOTHER. I love you more than words can say and I can't wait to watch you be the amazing mother I know you'll be. I took the last photo just a few moments after you told me the most amazing news of our lives. I love you, Mads!'.

Over the next couple of days, Colby and I got nothing but love and support from everyone. He even got a call about doing an interview with Jimmy Kimmel.

I got up the morning of Colby's interview and got dressed in my workout clothes (my tank top is tighter than the one pictured):

I got up the morning of Colby's interview and got dressed in my workout clothes (my tank top is tighter than the one pictured):

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I grabbed my gym bag and headed out into the living room of the hotel suite we were staying in and saw Colby in the kitchen in nothing but a pair of sweatpants and making coffee.

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist and he turned around and smiled at me and kissed me. He pulled me close and I laid my head on his chest. "Where are you going?", he asked. "The gym.. I wanna use the treadmill", I said. He smiled and moved his hands to my lower back. "Mind if I join?", he asked. I smiled and nodded and he went and changed.

After we left the gym, we went back to the room and showered and got ready for Colby's interview. I put on a brown midthigh length skirt and a white tank top tucked in with a pair of brown heeled boots. I put beach waves through my hair and natural makeup and Colby wore a nice black suit and we headed for the set.

When we got there, we were escorted to a dressing room where Colby got freshened up and prepared for his interview. Before we knew it, we were standing side stage and Colby was quickly introduced. He walked out and shook hands with Jimmy and I smiled as I watched. "So, Seth, the big buzz going around the internet is you and your lovely wife expecting! How do you feel?", he asked as a picture of Colby and I from our announcement popped up on the screen behind them. "We both have mixed emotions. Happy, sad, excited.. It's overall amazing", he said. "Did you just say sad?" "Yes, I did. Our first son was born with a condition where his bones were constantly breaking and we had to end the pregnancy. It was a tough decision in itself, but we had to go through it publicly and that made our situation a thousand times worse. Something like that can either tear a couple apart or push them together and I feel like it made us grow closer together than we were before".

As the interview went on, I was a puddle of tears in Colby's dressing room. The way he talked about our son and our current pregnancy made me realize how much I truly love him. He always gave amazing interviews and knew exactly how to word everything the right way.

After his interview, he came backstage and I was still crying. He hurried over to me and wrapped his arms around me and I cried hard into his chest. "What's wrong? Are you OK? Is the baby OK?", he asked. "Everything's fine, I just...", I said as I looked up at him. "Everything you said out there.. I love you so much", I said. He smiled at me and kissed the top of my head. "I love you too", he said. "I really do feel like we've grown closer together, Mads. I don't think I could love you more if I tried to", he said. I smiled and kissed him and he wiped my eyes. 

We quickly headed back to the room and showered and put on our pajamas and laid in bed for the rest of the afternoon.

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