Chapter 2

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On Monday night, I got dressed in my work uniform and headed to the arena with Brock. We walked inside hand in hand and headed to catering. We were sitting at a table eating and Renee walked up to us with Jon hot on her trail. "Hey, Madi. How are you?", she smiled as she sat down. "I'm great", I said. "What about you, Brock? Are you good?", she asked. "I'm good", he said. She looked back over at me and smiled. Her smile quickly faded and I knew where this was going. "What happened to your eye?", she asked. "Oh, uh.. I was leaving the hotel room the other night to get something from the vending machine as Brock was coming back in from his workout and he hit me with the door. Total accident", I laughed as I lied. She looked over at Brock and he chuckled and shook his head. "I felt terrible, but she was laughing when we realized what had happened", he said. "As long as it wasn't intentional", she said. Just then, her name was called over the loud speakers backstage and she got up and left.

About 45 minutes into RAW, Colby came into the training room with Joe so he could be looked over. He hit his head pretty hard during his match and they were afraid he had a concussion. After a quick exam, I told them he was fine. "Just be careful. Any headaches within the next 24 hours, go to the ER. Other than that, you should be fine", I said as I smiled. They went to leave and Colby looked at me and I smiled weakly. "I'll catch up, Joe. I'm gonna have her check my wrist". Joe nodded and left and he sat on the exam table. He was wearing his ring gear, minus the vest. "So... You're staying with him", he said. "I am", I said. "Madi..." "Don't". I glanced up and gave him a look that said don't bring it up. He sighed and talked anyway. "You deserve so much better than what he's giving you. There are a ton of guys out there that wanna have a family and treat you right.. Just let one -" "You're right. Okay? You're right. I shouldn't stay with him. Am I stupid for staying with him? Maybe. But I love him. Your fiance treats you like dirt and you're still with her", I said. He looked at me shocked and I realized what I had said. "I'm sorry, I just... You can't point the finger about a bad relationship when you're in one yourself", I said. He chuckled and I rolled my eyes. "Your wrist is fine", I said and walked to the door. "You're right too, you know. She does talk down to me. She probably is only with me for the money. Who knows. But.. We work through our shit. We have our differences. But she doesn't beat the shit out of me", he said.

I looked down and he wrapped his arms around me in a hug. "You're one of my best friends, Mads. I don't like seeing you being treated like this", he said. 

After RAW was over, I left and headed straight to the hotel room and packed my things and set my suitcase by the door. I looked in the mirror and my decision was final. I ran my fingers gently over the fading bruise and thought to myself 'How did I get here? How did I become this woman? Since when am I a doormat? I deserve better'. Colby's words ran rampant through my mind as I was pacing the room. "Hey, babe. Sorry I'm late.. I had a promo", Brock said as he walked inside. "Brock, we need to talk" "Okay.. About what?", he asked. He threw his gym bag down on the bed and I looked up at him. "I love you. You're a really sweet guy... When you want to be. Recently, you've started being more and more abusive and I can't take this anymore. I'm breaking up with you", I said and turned towards the door. Just as I was reaching for my suitcase and purse, I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head and I fell to the floor. 

The next morning, I woke up in a hospital room. I blinked a couple of times and tried to sit up, but it hurt to move. "Don't move, Madi. I'll sit the bed up. Dad, get the doctor!", Stephanie said. I felt the bed lean up and I stopped Stephanie where I felt most comfortable. "What happened?", she asked. Just then, the doctor walked in. "Hello, Ms.McMahon. I've been reading your chart.. Two broken ribs, a sprained wrist, possible concussion, and bruised collarbone and hip bones", he said. "I want to do a quick CT scan before we discharge you". He left and my dad and Stephanie got a call and they had to leave. "Baby, we're having Brock arrested. He's fired from WWE as well", my dad said. They left and a few minutes later, Colby came walking in. "Hey", he said as he said down on the left side of my bed. "Hey", I said back. Before we could talk any more, they nurse came in to take me to CT.

When I got back, Colby was sitting on the chair by the window and I smiled. After my bed was put back, Colby helped me into bed and the nurse left and he took his seat back beside my bed. We were talking when the doctor came back in about an hour later with my results. "It looks like you have a concussion, Ms.McMahon. For the next 6 weeks, I want you to stay at home. No strenuous activity and no work", he said. I immediately began to panic. "I can't go home. There's no telling when my boyfriend will go home for a few days or weeks and I can't be there when he gets there. Well... My ex boyfriend...", I said. "She can stay at my house. I'm on the road for the next 2 weeks, but my fiance is at the house and I'll be home for the remainder of her time off", Colby jumped in. The doctor left and I looked at Colby. "Are you sure that's a good idea? She doesn't really like me", I said. "Don't worry. She's in Cabo for at least 3 months with her sister. She won't be home until February", he said. I smiled and looked down at my hands. "What's wrong?", he asked. "I just can't believe I let this happen", I said. "Hey... No woman lets this sort of thing happen. You got the courage to leave.. Most women don't ever get that chance", he said. 

After a few hours, I was discharged and Colby drove me to the hotel and we went up to his hotel room. "I got a room with 2 beds.. I didn't think you'd wanna be alone", he said as I looked at him confused. I smiled at him and sat down on the chair at the table and watched him put my suitcase on the bed closest to the AC and window and smiled when he unzipped it. He scratched the back of his neck and looked at me. "I was gonna pull your pajamas out, but.. I just realized you probably have things in there that you don't want me to see", he said nervously. I laughed and cringed when my ribs hurt. "It's fine, Colby. I promise. I can get it", I said. He helped me stand up and walked over to his own suitcase and I pulled out a pair of black sweatpants and a white racerback crop top and tucked my white bralette and white lace panties underneath them and put them on the counter in the bathroom. 

I closed the door and tried to bend over to turn the water on and realized I couldn't. I opened the door and peeked out and I could see Colby playing on his phone through the mirror. "Hey, Colby? Can you come help me?", I asked. He nodded and headed over and I opened the door. "I can't turn the water on", I said. He smiled and I moved out of the way and he turned it on. He turned around and a blush crept onto his face. I looked at him confused and looked down and realized I didn't have my jeans on. I laughed and he chuckled. "I'm glad you're comfortable around me", he laughed. I stopped laughing and my face went serious. "What's wrong?", he asked. "I can't step into the shower", I said. "Let me help", he said. He handed me a towel and turned towards the shower so I could get undressed. 

After I got undressed, I wrapped the towel around myself. "I'm good". He turned around and opened the shower curtain and helped me into the shower. I closed the curtain and handed him the towel and he pulled the nozzle up to turn the water from the faucet to the shower head. He sat on the toilet seat and talked to me as I showered.

When I was done, he turned the water off and handed me the towel between the shower curtain and the wall and I pushed the shower curtain back. After he helped me out of the shower, I smiled at him and thanked him and he went back out to the bed. I got dressed as best as I could and walked out and sat on my bed and put lotion on. "I never dreamed it'd take me this long to put lotion on or get dressed", I said. He smiled over at me and grabbed his things and went into the bathroom. 

Just as I was about to turn on my laptop to watch Netflix, my phone rang. A FaceTime call from Stephanie. "Hey Steph", I said as I answered the phone. "Hey, Madi. How are you feeling?" "I'm better.. I just took a shower" "Good, do you need somewhere to stay during your time off?". Before I could answer, Colby came out of the bathroom in nothing but a pair of red and black checkered sweats and drying his hair. "Pizza for dinner?", he asked. "Who was that?", Stephanie asked. "Um.. Colby", I said. I moved my phone where she could see him and he smiled and waved. I moved the phone back and she gave me a weird look. "It's not what you think, you perv!", I said laughing. "I know, I know. You never answered my question".

After I got off the phone with Stephanie, Colby ordered out for pizza and I hooked up my laptop to the TV so we could watch a movie.

After we ate, I went to bed and Colby called his fiance on FaceTime.

The following morning, I got dressed in a pair of running shorts, a white tank top, and my black WWE zip up hoodie and Colby, Renee, Jon, and I all headed to the airport. Colby and I headed for Davenport and Jon and Renee headed to the next city.

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