Chapter 11

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Leaving that next Monday morning was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I hated leaving him, but knowing his mom and friends were close by made it a little easier.

I zipped up my suitcase and Colby stood in the doorway with a cup of coffee and his hair a mess leaning against the doorway. I pulled my suitcase off of the bed and turned around and saw him and I smiled softly and he just took a sip of his coffee. "Do you have to leave today?", he asked. "Unfortunately, yes. I'll be back in a few weeks for Christmas though", I said and walked over to him and took his coffee cup and put it on top of the dresser and wrapped my arms around his waist. "I'll miss you", he said. " teared up and kissed him. "I'll miss you too", I said as a tear ran down my cheek. He quickly wiped it off and I threw on my sneakers, grabbed my bags, and ran out to meet the cab.

The next 2 weeks went by extremely slowly. I stayed in my apartment for a few days and drove 3 hours in each direction for this round of shows and hopped on a plane at the end of the week to go back to Davenport.

When I landed, I caught a cab and headed straight for Colby's place. When I got there, I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell and was greeted by Colby wearing his usual basketball shorts and T-Shirt and hair in a bun with his glasses on. 

He quickly opened the door and wrapped me in a hug and kissed me on the front porch. I pulled back laughing and said "Colby! It's snowing and you're in shorts!". He laughed and kissed me again. "I don't care", he said and kissed me for the third time. 

After we got inside, he threw my bags on the floor by the door and pulled me down onto his lap. I smiled and wrapped my left arm around his neck and put my right hand on his chest and kissed him like he did the first night we kissed. We pulled apart and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. "I missed you", I said. "I missed you too", he said back and pecked my lips. 

Over the next couple of days, Colby and I did nothing but drink hot chocolate and watching Christmas movies. 

On Christmas morning, I woke up and noticed Colby wasn't in bed. I went out to the living room and he was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee and I smiled and walked over and sat down beside him. He looked over at me and smiled as he put a hand on my thigh. "You look hot in my T-Shirts", he said. "I only wear them because they smell like you", I said as I leaned over and kissed him.

After breakfast we turned on Supernatural on Netflix and he got up to go to the bathroom. A few minutes later, A small bag was dangling in front of my face. I grabbed it and smiled and Colby sat down beside me. I looked at him confused and he smiled and I opened it and there was a small box inside. When I opened it, there was a beautiful silver heart locket. "Open it". I opened it and smiled and looked at him in awe. It was the first picture we ever took together once we started dating. The one of the two of us in catering laughing together.

I leaned over and kissed him and got up and grabbed his gift from the tree. "Hand me the necklace and I'll put it on", he said. I smiled and handed it to him and sat on his lap and he put it around my neck and clasped it together and pulled be backwards into him and I giggled as he kissed the left side of my neck. I held the envelope over my shoulder and told him to open it and got up and turned around and straddled his lap. "What's this?", he asked. "Just open it", I said and smiled. 

He opened it and opened the letter. The letter read:


        We've been dating for 4 months now (technically 6, but I'm counting from when we became official to now) and friends longer than that, so here's your Christmas present. Our first couple's vacation to Cozumel, Mexico in January

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