Chapter 16

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A few weeks later, RAW was in my hometown in Connecticut for a live show, so Colby and I decided we'd tell my family about the engagement.

When we got to the hotel, I looked at the time and we didn't have to be at my parents' house for dinner for a couple of hours, so I decided to take a shower and chill out for a little while.

A few hours later, my hair was straightened, makeup was as it usually is, and I was wearing a pair of black skin tight pants, a white flowing thin long sleeve button down blouse tucked in and a pair of black heels and a black leather jacket. Colby was wearing a black suit and black button down shirt with a black tie and shoes.

I was double checking my hair in the mirror of the hotel room bathroom when Colby came walking in and leaned against the doorframe. "There's something missing", he said. I looked at him confused and he smiled and took my hands and led me into the room and pulled out the black velvet box from my suitcase. I smiled and he opened it and stood in front of me. He took the ring out of the box and put the box on the bed and stood as close as he possibly could to me. He grabbed my left hand and slid the ring onto my finger and rubbed his thumb over it as he kissed me. 

I drove the rental car to my parents' house and took a deep breath as we stopped. 

We got out and headed to the door and I shoved my hands in my jacket pocket and Colby rang the doorbell.

I got nervous as soon as my dad opened the door. He greeted us with handshakes and hugs and we went into the family room right next to the dining room and we all sat down. "Maddison, it's so great to have you home for a change. I understand that you two just celebrated your one year anniversary?", my mom asked. "Yes. It's been great. Colby's amazing", I said as I smiled up at him. "We actually have some news", I said. They all looked at me in anticipation and I smiled as I pulled my left hand out of my jacket pocket. "Oh my Lord!", my mom exclaimed and got up and walked over to me. She smiled widely with tears in her eyes as she examined the ring.

After dinner, Colby and I headed back to the room and got ready for bed. I was brushing my hair when Colby came into the bathroom in pajama pants and a T-Shirt. 

He put his hands on my waist and I smiled at him through the mirror. I put the brush down on the counter and turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Tonight was pretty successful", I said. He smiled and grabbed my left hand and kissed where my ring was. "Now to just make it public", he said. I smiled and kissed him and we went to bed.

Around Halloween, Colby and I were on separate schedules. Again. 

I had just landed in Davenport when Colby texted me saying he'd meet me at the photo shoot we had prepared. We decided to do a mini engagement shoot for our announcement and I was pretty excited about it. I had on a white floor length spaghetti strap dress and a jean jacket and white sandals. My hair was down natural and I had on my usual makeup.

I headed for my car (a 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee) and headed to where we were doing the photoshoot.

When I got there, I saw Colby standing by a tree talking to the photographer. The photos were being taken on Colby's dad's land just outside of Davenport. We stood in the open field and took these two pictures:

 We stood in the open field and took these two pictures:

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About a week later, Colby and I got the email with the two photos and we quickly took to social media with them. I posted them with the caption: 'Can't wait to spend forever with you. I love you. #LovinOnLopez #IThinkIWannaMarryYou' and Colby posted the same pictures with the caption: 'I can't wait for you to take my last name. Marry me? #Crazy4U #MarryMe #FutureMrAndMrs'.

For the next couple of months, everyone went crazy. Colby kept getting emails and phone calls wanting an interview, and he finally said yes to going on Jimmy Kimmel in November.

I was working, so I couldn't go with him, but he called me on FaceTime so I could talk to him before he went out for his interview. I answered the call and saw him in his usual black suit with a white button down shirt and black tie and his hair pulled back into a low bun. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Babe, I hate these stupid interviews", he said. "I know, but you gotta do it.. You've put it off this long", I said and I laughed. I looked down at my left hand and smiled when I saw the ring shining in the sunlight as I walked into the arena. "I wish you were here", he said.

After we hung up, I went inside and went to work. 

After the show was over, I quickly headed to my hotel room and turned on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

Colby was already on stage, but they were just getting to asking about how we ended up together. "It's crazy; looking back. When we first met, she had a boyfriend and I was engaged to my long time girlfriend, Leighla. We were friends when she was a trainer and physical therapist for NXT, but then her boyfriend at the time pulled some strings and she was pulled up to the main roster. We started out as having weekly FaceTime calls and texting a few times a week, but we slowly lost touch the longer she was on the main roster. After about a year, I got pulled up and we reconnected and it was like we hadn't been apart for a year. We instantly picked up where we left off. I'm probably gonna get in trouble with her for bringing this up, but she was in an abusive relationship. She thought I didn't know, but I did. We all did. When she finally left him, it was like she was a changed person. The person she was always meant to be. Then my engagement with Leighla ended and we became closer than ever... There was even a rumor going around that we were sleeping together when I was still with Leighla and I can assure you, that was not happening *Chuckles*. Around July, I finally asked her out and we became official in August and now here we are". I smiled as I watched him talk about how we ended up here. It made my heart happy. "Now, are you guys getting married because she's pregnant? Because we've all seen the rumors floating around and you've only been dating for a year" "No, she's not pregnant. Though, I would be ecstatic if that were true *smiles shyly*. Uh, when you know, you know.. I knew I was gonna marry that girl from the second I dropped her off after our first date. She's truly the one".

After his interview, I turned the TV off and cried. I haven't felt this happy in a long time and he was such an amazing man. Hearing him talk about me being pregnant was the most amazing feeling I have ever felt. There suddenly wasn't any anxiety and worry about what would happen if I got pregnant before we got married. It all seemed small now. I couldn't wait to start a life with him.

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