Chapter 5

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Feb. 2015

A few days later, I was back at work in my usual jeans and WWE T-Shirt and sitting at a table in catering eating a chicken sandwich and talking to Renee and Jon. 

All of a sudden, people around us were looking at their phones and whispering again - only this time, it wasn't about me. I looked over at Renee and she opened her phone. Her face went pale and her free hand covered her mouth. "What is it?", Jon asked. She showed him her phone and he immediately looked away. "Damn it, Renee, really? You couldn't have just told me?", he asked. "Now I'm scarred for life". I looked at them confused and Renee showed me her phone and my jaw dropped. Colby's fiance had tweeted 2 nude photos of Colby. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed his number and it rang and rang until it finally went to voicemail. "Where is he?", I asked. "I haven't seen him since we all had breakfast at the hotel this morning", Renee said.

I got up and shot a text to Stephanie telling her I had to go back to the hotel and I headed for my rental car and took off for the hotel.

When I got there, I hurried to Colby's room and knocked. No answer. I knocked again. No answer. I knocked a third time and he flung the door open. "WHAT!?", he yelled. I jumped at his reaction, immediately having a flashback to being with Brock. "I'm sorry, Madi, I didn't know it was you", he said. "Can I come in?", I asked. He nodded and moved to the side and saw that he was wearing a pair of red sweatpants and a black T-Shirt and his face was red and puffy, clearly from crying. I walked in and turned on the lamp beside the bed and he sat down on the foot of the bed and put his head in his hands. "She's ruined my career. My life... How could she have done this?", he whispered. If I wouldn't have been standing right in front of him, I wouldn't have heard him. 

I sat down on his left side and rubbed his back with my right hand. "Colby, I... I don't know why she did it.. But..." "I know why she did it", he said. "She did it because I told her about us. About the talk we had. About me almost kissing you. She got pissed and left me", he said. "Colby, I -" "I was planning a future with her. I saw myself having kids with her and growing old with her. I told her that I had absolutely no feelings for you and she didn't believe me. I basically told her she was the reason for everything negative in my life and I almost kissed you because YOU made me feel everything I should when I'm with her", he said. "I swore to her that I didn't have feelings for you, but she didn't believe it. I really don't have feelings for you, Madi.. You're my best friend and that's it", he said. "I know, Colby" "I just.. I love her", he said and cried even harder. He laid his head on my lap and started crying and all I could do was play with his hair and tell him everything will be OK.

A little while later, Colby was asleep on the bed. My dad had told him he wasn't to be at the arena tonight and I decided to call in sick and stay with him. I was just coming out of the bathroom when Colby answered his phone.

After he hung up, he looked at me and sighed. "That was Vince. In order to come back with no punishments, I have to issue a statement on all social media apologizing for what happened", he said. "Well, that's good!", I said. "Thanks for being here, Mads. I really appreciate it", he said. 

After a little while, he was laughing with me like he usually does. It was that moment that I realized that I had feelings for this man. This man who's 4 years older than me and currently going through one of the worst breakups I've ever witnessed a friend go through. 

A little while later, I got up and grabbed my purse. "Are you sure you're OK?", I asked. "I'm sure", he said. I walked over to the door and turned around and looked at him. "I can stay, you know. I just need to go get my things", I said. He chuckled and got up and walked over to me and hugged me. "I promise, I'm fine. Go back to your room and get some sleep. I'll see you in Boston on Friday. Besides, if you stay here tonight, it'll look bad in the morning. Thank You for staying with me today". I kissed his cheek and hugged him again and opened the door. "Anytime, Cole", I said.

I went back to my hotel room and changed into my pajamas and went straight to bed. The next couple of days were gonna be spent travelling to Boston and spending the day shopping with Renee and I couldn't wait.

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