Chapter 27

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September 29, 2018

I am now officially 25 weeks pregnant. I was definitely showing now. It's fall, so I can wear my favorite style of clothes. 

Colby and I were home for our gender reveal party. I got up and fixed my hair and got dressed:

Only difference between my outfit and the one pictured above is that my top was white and my cardigan was pink

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Only difference between my outfit and the one pictured above is that my top was white and my cardigan was pink.

Colby got dressed in a pair of jeans and a black Polo shirt and pulled his hair back in a low bun. He put on his glasses instead of putting in his contacts, and we went into the kitchen to go over everything for the party. Stephanie and Colby's sister in law planned the entire thing. All Colby and I had to do was sign for everything as it was delivered.

Throughout the day, everything was delivered and Colby and his brother set everything up and it was time for the party.

Colby and I walked out onto our back patio and made our rounds with greeting our parents, aunts and uncles, and siblings. The gender of our baby was going to be revealed when Colby and I pulled on a string and balloons fell from it. The box was hanging from the tree in our backyard right above my head and was black with white letters spelling out 'Baby Lopez is a....'. 

When everyone was ready, Colby and I stood side by side (me on his right side) and we each held a part of the string. Everyone counted down and we pulled the string and a dozen pink balloons fell from the box and I smiled widely as I started to cry. I wrapped my arms around Colby's neck and kissed him as he put a hand on the side of my belly. 

Around 8 PM, everyone headed home and Colby gave the photographer my email address and we were left alone in the living room. I stood behind the couch and put my right hand on the back of the couch and the other on my belly. I smiled widely when Colby turned around and he smiled back. He walked over to me and put his hands on my waist and kissed me softly. "We're having a girl", he said. I smiled and kissed him again. "I'm so excited", I said. He chuckled and took my hand and we sat down on the couch. He put his left arm around my shoulders and I laid my head down on his shoulder as I locked the fingers on our left hands together. "I think it's time we have a serious conversation", I said. 

He kissed the top of my head and sighed. "What's on your mind?", he asked. "I think I should quit my job with WWE.. I feel like I need to be home with our baby", I said. He leaned forward and I sat up and turned to look at him. I looked him in the eyes and he sighed. "Is that what you really want to do?", he asked. "I do.. I feel like it's the right thing. Wrestling is your dream and I want you to do it as long as you're able to and I can get a job here as a physical therapist somewhere if you want me to work, but I -", he cut me off by kissing me softly and putting his hands on the sides of my neck. I sighed happily and smiled into the kiss. "What was that for?", I asked. He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back and rubbed my belly with my left hand. "I just love you", he said. I smiled and kissed him and got up. 

He looked at me confused and I smiled and rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand and we went upstairs to where the nursery is going to be. There were boxes stacked in the corner and some other things that we haven't put away since we moved in, but I had a vision on what I wanted it to be when the baby got here. "I've been thinking.. Ever since we found out our baby was healthy and we're in the safe zone... I've been imagining what the nursery would look like", I started. "I had some ideas for if we were having a boy, but since we're having a girl, I wanna do white walls with white furniture and one wall where the crib will go with her name above it and I thought we could hang up a few of her ultrasound pictures and pictures of the 3 of us together and... What?", I asked as he smiled at me. I smiled back as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Just you. You have all of these ideas already and we're only fifteen weeks from the due date.. I love it", he said and kissed me. "We need to get started on it as soon as possible though!", I exclaimed as I laughed lightly and put my hands on his chest. "I'll move all of this stuff out into the garage and storage building tomorrow and we can go get paint samples before I leave the day after tomorrow", he said and smiled. I kissed him and stepped back and put my hands on my belly as I looked around the room. "I can't wait to get started", I said. 

He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and rested them on my belly and I put my hands over his. He kissed my neck and I giggled. I smiled widely as I felt a kick and I felt Colby smiled as he kissed my shoulder. This is what true happiness felt like.

Before we knew it, My last day with WWE. I got dressed in my usual jeans and WWE polo and pulled my hair up into a messy bun and Colby and I headed off to the arena. 

When we got there, Colby grabbed my left hand in his right and we walked into the arena. Instead of going to the trainer's area, Colby took me to catering. "Colby, what are... Oh my gosh!", I exclaimed as I saw everyone, superstars and crew and trainer's, standing in catering behind a cake that said 'Goodbye, Maddison. We'll miss you!' and I smiled widely. I started to cry and put my left hand over my mouth and Colby put his right hand on my lower back and we walked towards everyone. "What is this?", I asked when I found my voice. "We're throwing you a goodbye party! We're all gonna miss you like crazy", Renee said. I smiled and hugged her.

We all ate and talked about my years with WWE. 

After the show was over, Colby and I went back to the hotel room and got ready for bed.

When we crawled into bed, Colby wrapped his left arm over me and I smiled and sighed happily. I was suddenly overwhelmed with emotions and I started to cry. Colby sat up and put his hand on my knee. "Hey, hey.. What's wrong?", he asked. He helped me sit up and I leaned against the headboard and put my hands on my lower belly. "I'm just so happy.. I never knew everyone felt that way about me. I knew I had friends at work, but I didn't know they cared so much", I said. He smiled and wiped my eyes and kissed me. "They don't love you as much as I do. Nobody can".

A few days later, we got our gender reveal photos back. Colby and I both posted the one of us smiling at each other before we pulled the string, a picture of the balloons falling, and a picture of our reaction, and one of the kiss after the balloons dropped. I captioned it with: 'IT'S A GIRL! Colby and I are over the moon with excitement about this announcement! Can't wait to meet our sweet girl!'. Colby captioned them with: 'Well, looks like I'm gonna be outnumbered! Maddison and I are having a girl in just under 20 weeks! I can't wait to meet my baby girl. I CANNOT wait to hold her in my arms. Madi, I really hope she looks like you. Otherwise, she'll never get married. On second thought... Maybe I hope she looks like me! Lol. But in all seriousness, Baby Lopez is a girl and HEALTHY!! Drop your name suggestions below! We're stumped! #babylopez #daddysgirl'.

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