Chapter 22

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Before we knew it, April was here and I was getting ready for my wedding day. My bridesmaids (Stephanie - Maid of Honor - Renee, Nikki, and Brie) were all in their dresses with their hair and makeup done (Everyone had their hair straightened and they had on spaghetti strapped baby blue dresses and matching heels) and were working on my hair and makeup.

Once I was ready in my dress, shoes, and hair and makeup done:

Once I was ready in my dress, shoes, and hair and makeup done:

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We all walked out of the bridal suite and to the hallway where Colby and I were taking one of those pre-wedding prayer pictures. I stood with my back against the wall and my right hand holding Colby's left and him standing in the same position. We prayed and he gave my hand a squeeze after the last picture was taken. "I love you", he said. "I love you too", I said back. 

They gave us the 2 minute warning to be ready and I let go of Colby's hand and heard him walk towards the door leading out to where the ceremony was being held. 

I heard the door open and close and knew Colby was walking down the aisle. Once he was out, I walked out into the foyer and stood off to the side where nobody outside could see me. One by one, they all walked out (Stephanie and Colby's brother, Nikki and Colby's best friend, Renee with Jon, and Brie with Joe) and it was just my dad and me. The doors closed and we stood in front of the doors. I took a deep breath and looked up at him and he put his hands on my biceps and kissed each cheek. "You look beautiful, baby girl. Can we have a talk before we walk out there?", he said. "Thank You, daddy. Of course". He took my hand and led me over to a bench and we sat down. "Listen.. I love you. You're my youngest and the last to get married. I am so proud of you, Maddison Anne. You've overcome more in your life than anyone should have to. If you really want to marry Colby, I'm behind you and support you one hundred percent. He's an amazing man and has done well by you... Except for getting you pregnant before you got married", he said and we both laughed. "But I'll also be just as supportive if you want to walk out that back door and leave", he finished. "I love him, daddy. He's the one", I said and smiled at him. He smiled and took my left hand in his right and we stood up. "Let's get you down that aisle", he said.

We stood in front of the doors and I picked up my bouquet of white roses. The doors opened and we walked out onto the patio and headed down the 5 steps to the crosswalk. We had paid extra for a solid hardwood walkway to lead from the patio to the arch where Colby and I would exchange our vows and it extended like a stage so we wouldn't have to step in the grass.

I walked down the aisle and couldn't take my eyes off of Colby. I smiled widely at him and he smiled wider and wiped a tear from his eye.

When we got to the end of the aisle, my dad kissed my cheek and sat down.

At the end of the ceremony, the preacher said "You may kiss the bride" and Colby smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face. He put his hands on the sides of my neck and bent down and kissed me and everyone clapped. When we pulled away, We turned to face everyone and I took my bouquet from Stephanie and we smiled at each other. Colby bent down and kissed me and we headed back up the aisle and into the building.

We went to the bridal suite where I got ready and waited for everyone to get to the reception hall.

When everyone was in the reception hall, Colby and I stood outside the doors and waited for the DJ to announce us. When we heard "Introducing for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Colby Lopez", we walked in hand in hand and headed over to our table and I put my bouquet down and we headed to the dance floor for our first dance. We danced to I'll Be Loving You Forever by New Kids On The Block.

After the reception, Colby and I headed up to the honeymoon suite and I took my shoes off and walked to the mirror and took out my diamond stud earrings and started to take my makeup off. Colby walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder and kissed my neck. "Babe, stop", I laughed. "I need to take my makeup off and let my hair down". He sighed and stopped and took his suit jacket off and undid his baby blue tie. We changed our colors to baby blue and black and white to honor our baby.

After my makeup was off and my hair was down, I grabbed my bag and went into the bathroom. I redid my makeup in a sexy smoky eye look and brushed my hair out and smirked when I saw the beach waves it turned into. Perfect. I changed into a black lacey thong and a black lacey bra and black lace pantyhose that went up to the middle of my thighs. I slid on my black stilettos and did a once over in the mirror. I looked damn good.

I took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door and walked out and stood in a sexy pose against the wall facing the bed and cleared my throat. Colby turned around and his mouth opened slightly when he saw me. His hands went from unbuttoning his shirt to his sides and he walked over to me and put his hands on either side of my neck and bent down and kissed me passionately. 

The next morning, I woke up naked and cuddled up to my husband. My HUSBAND. How weird and wonderful was that to say? I looked up and he was still asleep. My left hand was on his chest and my left leg was thrown over his right. I looked at my hand and smiled. How did I get so lucky? 

I straddled his waist and bent down and kissed his neck and he stirred, but didn't wake up, so I kissed his lips. He immediately kissed me back and I giggled into the kiss. His hands went up to my waist and I leaned back and rested my hands on his chest as my hair fell down around my right shoulder. Colby opened his eyes and smiled sleepily at me and I smiled back. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and pulled me down for a kiss. "I could get used to this", he said. I giggled and rolled off of him and leaned over and grabbed his button down shirt and put it on. "Oh, come on.. Our flight doesn't leave for (He looked over at the clock and saw it was 8 AM) another 4 hours.. We don't need to leave until 11. Come back to bed", he said. "I was thinking of moving this to the shower", I said as I winked and walked into the bathroom.

After our shower, I put on a pair of white high rise jean shorts and a black spaghetti strap crop top and a pair of black sandals and left my hair down to air dry and didn't bother putting makeup on. Colby put on a pair of basketball shorts and a Led Zepplin shirt and sneakers and we grabbed our things and headed for the airport.

When we got on the plane, I sat down and Colby sat down on my left side and grabbed my left hand. I smiled and looked at my hand, which now had a silver wedding band that fit perfectly around my engagement ring. "I like the way you look in that ring. It's perfect on you", he said and kissed me. I smiled and laid my head down on his shoulder and we both took a nap as we headed for Cozumel, Mexico where we'd be spending the next two weeks.

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