Chapter 4

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The week before I was allowed back at work, I got to move into my new apartment. Luckily, my brother in law, Paul, was able to help me unload everything into my new apartment and I spent that whole week getting things unpacked and put away.

I didn't realize how little I actually had. All I had was my coffee maker, clothes, shoes, and pictures of friends and family over the last few years. I had to buy an air mattress from the local Walmart because I wasn't gonna have time to go shopping for a new bed before I went back to work.

In what felt like a couple of days, my time to go back to work was finally here. I had been going crazy not being able to be with everyone and work.

I showered and left my hair down to air dry and threw on a pair of leggings with an oversized white long sleeve shirt with a black scarf and black converse sneakers and did my usual makeup. Once I was ready, I grabbed my suitcase and purse and headed for the airport.

When I landed, I went straight to the hotel room and changed into my dark denim skinny jeans, black converse, and black WWE shirt and headed for the arena.

Once I got there, I noticed that everyone was whispering and on their phones. I ignored it and headed straight for catering where everyone would look at me and look away when they noticed me staring. I grabbed my water and salad and headed for the training room where I locked the door and sat down and started crying. I finished eating and sat down on the bench beside the desk and started crying again. Shortly after, my phone started ringing. "Hello?", I answered. "Madi? Where are you?", Colby asked. I avoided answering his question until I heard a knock at the door and a man say "Unlock the door, Mads". I got up and opened the door and Colby walked inside and wrapped his arms around me in a hug. "Please stop crying", he said. "They're all treating me differently.. I shouldn't have said anything about Brock, I -" "Don't you dare say that", Colby said and pulled back. "If you wouldn't have said anything.... Who knows what he could've done to you...", he started and drifted off. Was he about to start crying? "Colby, I -" "No.. Don't you dare say that leaving him and saying something about it was a bad thing. The son of a bitch is in jail where he belongs, Madi", he said. 

He wrapped his arms around me again and kissed the top of my head. "They're all talking about it because he was just sentenced. He's not getting out anytime soon. They're all whispering and staring because they're scared to say anything to you", he said.

After our talk, I felt a lot better. 

All through RAW, I stayed in the trainer's room. It was a slow night; only 2 people came in and it was for a finger that was popped out of place and torn ACL.

After the show was over, I packed my things away and headed for my hotel room. I threw my hair up into a ponytail and took my makeup off and changed into a pair of boy short panties and an oversized T-Shirt and crawled into bed.

The next day, I got up and changed into a pair of ripped dark denim skinny jeans, a white T-Shirt, a black cardigan, and black zip up knee high boots and headed for the rental car and made my way to the airport. I didn't have to be anywhere until the following week, so I was going furniture shopping.

When I landed at home, I headed straight for my apartment and got my car, a white 2010 Toyota Camry, and headed for the nearest furniture stores.

After a long day, I had picked out a bed frame and mattress with a matching dresser and nightstand set, living room furniture, and anything else I needed.

The next day, they delivered my bedroom set and then 3 days later, they delivered my living room furniture. On Saturday, I had a dinner party planned (the apartment furniture is set up just like Ross' apartment on Friends) and Colby, Joe, Jon, and Renee were all coming and Joe was even bringing his wife. 

For dinner, I made lemon pepper chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and apple pie. 

A few minutes after I pulled the pie out, there was a knock at the door. I looked through my peephole and smiled when I saw Colby, Jon, and Renee.

Joe and his wife couldn't come because one of their kid's was sick, so it was just the 4 of us. 

After dinner, we all grabbed a wine glass and a bottle of Merlot and sat in the living room and talked and laughed for a few hours. Jon and Renee left and it was just Colby and I.

About an hour later, Colby put his wine glass on the coffee table and got up. "I better go. I gotta call the fiance", he said. I stood up and grabbed our glasses and took them to the kitchen and Colby followed. He leaned against the bar between the living room and kitchen and shoved his hands in his pockets. "I'm happy for you, Mads. You've bounced back better than I would've", he said. "Thanks, Colby. I appreciate it. I couldn't have done it without friends like you and Renee and Jon. It means the world to me", I said. He stood up straight and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he wrapped his around my upper body. 

I pulled back and looked up at him and we locked eyes just like before. He bent down and before I knew it, our lips were as close to touching as they were the last time. "Colby...", I said. He leaned his forehead against mine and sighed. "Colby, we can't do this...", I said. He pulled back and ran his hand over the top of his hair and scratched his neck right below his low bun. "Colby, what's wrong? Talk to me", I said. He didn't say anything, so I grabbed the wine and wine glasses and his hand and we sat back down on the couch. 

He sat down on my right side and I turned towards him and poured wine into our glasses. "I'm sorry, Madi, I didn't mean to make things weird between us", he said. "It's just... You make me feel... Relaxed. I don't stress out about anything when I'm with you. With her, it's... Damn. She's exhausting. I'm in love with her. I swear to God, I am. I'd never cheat in a million years, Mads, you know that" "I know" "I just... It shouldn't be this hard", he said as he ran his hand over his face and sighed. "You need to end it, Colby. Or at least be honest with her", I said. 

After we finished talking, he left and I felt better. After 2 almost kisses, he finally came clean, which made me feel better. Colby isn't the type of guy to cheat on his girlfriend/fiance/wife. He's the kind to bottle his feelings up and end up exploding. If I wasn't around to talk him through it, God only knows how he'd handle it. Most likely in a bottle.

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