You big jerk [Sebastian x Rachel ]

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Rachel's P.O.V

      Ugh he's doing it again being Mr. Showoff  flirting around the girls backstage. As if he wasn't trying to get into my pants the other day and he wasn't drunk around that time. I just wish he wouldn't feel the need to hide our relationship. Everyone in the band is cool with it. So why does he feel the need to deny it?

  It hurts seeing him laugh and flirting with a girl who only wants to sleep with him. He talks about wanting a relationship yet he ends up in someone's bed dealing with a hangover. Maybe it's best if we remain as band mates and nothing else. Sometimes I don't even like him because he always feel the need to show off. He always wants to be the center of attention and do anything to get that attention to gain validation from others.

I wonder if he even cares about my feelings.

No  P.O.V

  The guys were getting ready as they were going to be on stage in an hour. Sebastian was playing around with rob in their trailer until rachel came in to put on his black boots he's been waiting to wear. Rob left as sebastian asked rachel if he was okay. Rachel nodded as he tried to hold in his tears. Sebastian sits next to him asking "Are we still going out tonight?"

Rachel told him "Why bother if you're gonna be drunk flirting with girls then leave to go sleep with them?" That set sebastian off. They've been arguing for 14 minutes as snake, scotti, and rob  were watching in the background. Rob asked if they should break it up but snake insisted to let them argue it out.

Rachel finally snapped "You know sebastian sometimes you make it difficult for others to like you!! You always feel the need to be the center of attention and do stupid shit that gets you in trouble!!!" He clinches his fist trying to prevent himself from hitting sebastian. All he was seeing was red but needed to say what he intended to say.

Taking a deep breath before continuing "But the worst thing is you lead me on. I thought maybe we can give us a try in a relationship but you're so in denial. It hurts me when we talk, go out on dates, and do all that couple stuff then you run off into some whore's pants. As if today you're nothing but a big jerk to me as you'll always be unhappy because you don't want to live the life you want to live".

Rachel walks off angry yet had tears running down his face. Sebastian was shocked but didn't deny the truth. He never seen rachel cry let alone yell out about how he feels. They performed their gig for 2 hours then they hit to the closest bar. Sebastian drinks a lot until he felt the need to just sleep it off as he told the guys he was going to the hotel close by. They all said alright except rachel who left for a walk.

Sebastian checked in a room as he lays down on the bed thinking about earlier. He did feel like a big jerk as the last he ever wanted was for rachel to hate him. They might've had a few arguments and sebastian can be a handful, but he didn't wanted it to end up like this.


The band has been practicing almost all day until they took a break. Sebastian walks backstage to rachel and scotti's dressing room as he asked rachel if they can talk. Rachel was cleaning his boots telling him, "I don't see why. There's nothing we need to talk about. You'll always be the rockstar you try to be by drinking booze, drugs, and doing groupies".

Sebastian told him alright and left.

Around 10pm they get up on stage sebastian takes the mic and tries talking to the crowd before singing "Piece of me". When it was time for sebastian and rachel to sing their little duo, rachel didn't say much as snake filled in for him. It left sebastian upset but not surprised.

Later they were finished with their gig as they were slowly walking off stage until sebastian came back to the mic. He told the crowd "Look at all you motherfuckers having fun and here to have a good time with your loved ones. It's nice to see everyone in love no matter what race, gender, age, or whatever" the crowd laughs and agree with him.

He sighs "I have a confession. I am a big jerk as I know I cause trouble and sometimes ending up hurting people in the process. I ended up hurting the person I love because I was scared of coming out. I tried convincing myself that I like women as I did until rachel came along" everyone gasped and whispered. Rachel was in the sidelines watching as he's shocked himself.

"These past couple of days hasn't been good because I miss rachel and miss us. But because of my need to keep us a secret ended up ruining the relationship we had. I want everyone to know that I love rachel. We may lose fans but I just thought everyone should know and to not be afraid of hiding your relationship with the person you love. Thank you guys for coming by good night" everyone cheered as sebastian went to his dressing room gathering all his stuff.

Rachel knocked before coming in as he told him that he heard everything. Sebastian said sorry about everything before he was cut off by a kiss. They kiss for a bit before pulling away. "We have a few extra minutes left before guns n roses perform....maybe we can sing piece of me".

They get out of the dressing room as they call scotti, snake, and rob to come back on stage for one last song. The fans cheered as they start piece of me. When it comes to their part, sebastian and rachel sing their little duo.

At night, they were all close together as rachel called him a big jerk before saying goodnight. Sebastian laughed before he said goodnight slowly falling asleep.

*Author's note *

Mini screenshot for those who may be confused about the duo in piece of me.

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