Terror lover [Nikki x Tommy]

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After the show, the guys went out to drink as tommy and nikki were already tipsy. They were sitting in a booth as they all drink until vince walks off with some girl and mick left. It was only tommy and nikki as they were making jokes and laughing.

They  look around before they left to a motel room. They crashed on the bed laughing before nikki kissed tommy. They made out for a bit before pulling away. Tommy brushed nikki's hair out of his face "You got nice eyes nikki. I feel like you can look deep into my soul". They laugh as nikki thanks him.

"Do you think vince and mick would care if we're together?"

"No..I don't think so as vince is too busy forcing on his beauty and girls. Mick is...well mick".

"Yea I guess so"

Nikki lays on his back while tommy sits on top of him. He lays his head on nikki's chest hearing his heartbeat. Nikki brushed tommy's cheek before he kissed the top of his head wondering how he ended up with his terror twin who was his other half. Tommy was a hopeless romantic yet had failed relationships. To think of it, this is the only relationship that is long than any of tommy's  past relationships.

Nikki had a few of his own in the past but none of them made him feel like he has a purpose. A reason to be happy to wake up and see the person he loves. 

They just watch tv and cuddle as tommy wanted to be the little spoon. He was playing with nikki's fingers "I know this may be weird that I'm mentioning this but I think my parents would be happy if we got married. You already met them and they like you".

"I don't know"

"What makes you say that?"

"I don't know how would they react if we do get married. I know how much your mom means to you and I don't want her to not talk to you anymore if she doesn't approve of us"

"Nikki come on! Think positive as there's no reason for us to not be together. They know I'm happy with you and I'm happy to be in this band"

"We'll just have to see"

A month later, tommy's parents were happy to see tommy come in. They were just getting breakfast ready as his sister teased him about his pants. He ignored her as he told his parents that he has a surprise. They were confused until tommy brings nikki in and they welcome him.

During breakfast, they talked about their tour and different places they visited. Tommy wipes his mouth with a napkin before he grabs everyone attention. Nikki asked if he's sure as tommy nodded "They need to know and I want to get it out of my chest".

He looks at his parents and told them that him and nikki are together. They were confused looking at each other until tommy shows them the rings him and nikki are wearing. His dad was speechless but his mom gasped.

She slapped her napkin on the table as tommy tells her "Look I know people think it's wrong for two people of the same sex to be together but I'm with nikki now and if you two don't accept it that's fine. But I still am your son and I hope soon you two will respect my life choices".

Tommy's mom told him "I'm upset you didn't invite us to the wedding. I love weddings and I know nikki loves you. Don't think I don't notice whenever we come to visit you guys".

All the weight tommy and nikki had was gone. They told tommy's parents that they eloped in Las Vegas but they're gonna have a wedding pretty soon and hope they can come. Tommy's parents told them of course as they wouldn't miss it for the world. Tommy's sister teased tommy as she knew they were together but didn't say nothing.

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