Quack [Kirk x lars/ klars]

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It was a sunny sunday, the guys went to the park for a barbeque party a friend was hosting.
Kirk takes the opportunity to skate around the side walk until he came across a few ducks heading into the pond. He didn't want to hit them as he tried to turn but only to slip and
fall in to the pond.

Lars and jason seen it happened as james was laughing before they help kirk out. James asked how did it happen as he moves to the side as james sees the ducks. He laughs as everyone did too except lars and jason.

Jason hits his boyfriend on arm and calling him an asshole. James rubs his arm and said sorry to kirk. Lars offered to take him to go change as kirk nodded trying not to cry from being embarrassed and a laughing stock to everyone.

Jason gives lars the keys to his car as they left while jason gave james a look.

"Babe I apologized but it was a little funny"

"Who cares if it was funny. Kirk is our friend as he was embarrassed that he looked like he wanted to cry"

That made james feel like an asshole as he didn't like to see his boyfriend or friends cry or be upset.

Kirk did cry when they got to their hotel room as lars was comforting him.

"We don't have to go back as we can stay here and watch tv"

"No, no I'll get bored if we stay here"

"What do you want to do then?"

"I want to shower first before anything"

Kirk went to the bathroom as lars was nice to set his clothes out on the bed and goes out on the balcony looking around. When kirk got out and got dressed, he told lars "Let's go back before anyone gets worried"

"Hey are you sure?"


Lars changed and he grabs the basket by the bed telling him that they can have their own picnic at the park then. Kirk said alright as they head out and back to the park.

They sit at the benches that was close by as the party wasn't far away. Kirk was feeling better and laughing from lars jokes or about his danish life. Lars puts his hand on top of kirk's "I see you're feeling better"

"All thanks to your picnic idea"

"Well I understand that you don't want to be made fun of and it's pretty peaceful around here"

Kirk agreed before they share a soda with two straws. Jason sees they're on the other side as he told james and they walk. They came by as james apologized to kirk again as he told james it's no problem as it was kind of funny.

The same ducks came by quacking as they feed the ducks for a bit before the ducks head back in the water.

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