High [Steven x Slash]

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Steven and slash were in their little temporary place their manager set up for them. Steven decided they get high and they did.

They smoked until they were high as steven was laughing. Slash was looking at the ceiling as he felt stuck and not being able to move for a few minutes.

Steven noticed as he asked slash if he's stiff as slash said "Yea".

Eventually he was moving a few minutes later as steven's stomach growled. He wanted some chicken nuggets as he asked slash "Hey man wanna go to McDonald's?"

Slash nod and they put on their shoes. They walk as they try to act normal. Slash felt like they were walking for a long time but it was only 5 blocks away. Once they got there, they look at the menu until they were called to the cash register.

They ordered their food while laughing as the cashier knew they were high but plays it off. They got fill up their cups then sit down as steven told slash "Guess what I would be if i wasn't a drummer"


"A chicken nugget" slash spits out his drink a little while laughing

"A what?"

"A chicken nugget"

They laughed as everyone around look at them as if they were crazy until they had their order called and they take their food. Steven was eating his fries on the way back until he dropped his soda.


They look down then at each other as they were already at their place. Slash told him that they can share his soda as steven thanked him. They go inside and eat until they were full sitting on the floor watching cartoons.

Steven sighs really loud cause even though he was full, he still wanted something sweet.

"Fuck! I should've ordered a caramel sundae"

"We can go to the liquor store that's down the street"

"Nah I'm fine as I don't wanna get up"

Slash shrugged before continuing to watch tv. Steven was bugging slash with questions and theories he came up with. He didn't know how to shush steven since he told him a few times to be quiet but steven is steven.

He kisses steven as steven was shocked but likes it. He kissed back until they pulled away.

"Your lips are soft"

"Not as soft as yours stevie"

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