Pink lips [Nikki x Tommy]

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Tommy and nikki were talking about their plans for the next show. Vince was getting ready for their little quick photoshoot as mick just wanted to get it over with. He was in his little shot drinking vodka as he watches the 3 walking back and forth.

"I'm telling you nikki it's gonna be awesome when the fans see me in the air during my solo"

"I'm sure it will t-bone"

The photographer decided to have them take photos separately. So he took vince and mick to take their pictures first as tommy was stomping his feet like a little kid.

"Aww man how come they get to go first?"

"Cause vince won in the coin toss and mick can't wait for too long"

"You're right. But you do look good wearing pink lipstick"


"Yeah man as it goes with your outfit and your green eyes"

Nikki was surprised since tommy doesn't say stuff like that.

"You look good too tommy"

They were looking around until they just went for it and kissed. Their fingers were entangled in each other's hair as they started to transition to a french kiss. It involved with tongue until they pulled away.

Nikki laughed trying to wipe the lipstick off around tommy's mouth. Tommy did the same for nikki then he fixed his hair with a comb.

They fix themselves until the photographer came by "Okay you two let's go". They get up and act like they didn't just make out a few seconds ago as they strike a pose.

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