Adorable [James x Jason/ Jameson]

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After the photoshoot metallica had to do, jason was ready to go to sleep. Everyone in the band noticed it to and just let jason be. Kirk even offered to let jason sleep on his bunk for a few minutes before they have to practice. Jason told him it's alright as he'll just tough it out.

During band practice, he was a bit off-key and struggled keeping his eyes open. He was afraid james was gonna be mad at him for not putting in the effort, but james insisted that he takes a nap at least. It was quiet before jason asked if he was serious.

James told him how they can practice later as they're all tired. Kirk and Lars agreed as jason thanks them before he left to go take a nap in their tour bus. Kirk and lars left to get some yogurt from yogurt land as james was cleaning his guitar.

2 hours went by as james needed his watch and went into the tour bus to get it. He goes in and gets his watch. Seeing jason sleep made him smile and think about how adorable he looks in his sleep. He covered jason with his blanket before looking at jason one last time and head out the bus.

Kirk and lars was eating yogurt as lars asked james "So james why did it take you a bit longer to get your watch?" James told lars to shut up. Lars asked james if he tucked jason in. James walks away with lars on his trail while kirk is shaking his head eating his yogurt.

*Author's note*

I'm sorry for making this short

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