Oops [Axl x Izzy]

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"Where the fuck is my lighter?!!"

Axl asked in a loud voice as everyone in the apartment was confused and just waking up to a hang over.

"Come on I know one of you asswipes took it!!"

Slash sits up with his hands in his face sighing before asking, "Took what axl?"

"My lighter that's what!!"

Izzy came in after brushing his teeth, "Look did you try looking everywhere in the apartment?"

"Yes! I even looked in you guys pockets and the money is mine now since my lighter is gone!!"

Izzy slowly walks to axl putting his hands on his shoulders, "It's not gonna help if you keep screaming axl as you could ask us to help you look for it". Axl stood quiet before saying fine and asked the guys nicely if they can help.

Slash wakes up duff and steven and they all look around the apartment but nothing. Axl left to the liquor store pissed as izzy goes after  him.

"Look just retrace your steps"

Axl begins to think and told izzy how it happened as they walk to the store and back. Axl ignored everyone inside and went to his room on the balcony.

Izzy smokes a cigarette as axl puts his hands in his fur coat pocket. His eyes widened as he takes out the object that happens to be his lighter. Izzy saw and give axl a look.


"So you mean to tell me you yelled early as fuck in the morning at everyone, searched through the apartment, stole change out of everyone's pants while at it, pissed as hell walking to the store, ignored everyone when we came back, and only to find out you had it in your stupid fur coat!!"

Axl stood quiet since he didn't like to see izzy mad at him.

"Wanna see if we can get ice cream with the change I stole"

"You!!...ugh fine let's go before steven tags along and wants all 47 flavors"

They walk to the ice cream shop as Izzy laughed, "You're real psychotic you know that right?"

Axl didn't say anything as izzy pulls him close holding his hand, "But you're my psychotic indiana boy that I grew up with"

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