Crüe date [Tommy x vince / Nikki x Mick]

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The band has acknowledged that they are dating one another. It was kinda obvious. Vince decided they can double date while people wont think it's a date. They all were a little skeptical about it but agreed to do it in the end.

*5 pm*

Tommy and vince were doing their hair as nikki complained about how he needs to shower. Vince told him "Alright we're almost done"

"That's what you said an hour ago"

"Oh...well we're almost done for real this time"

Nikki sighed as he sits on the couch by mick waiting as mick told him that he looks adorable. Tommy looks down and smacks vince ass while vince jumped a little. He laughed telling tommy to stop as they can play later. They were done as nikki takes a shower and soon mick joins him.

Tommy pulls vince close to him by his waist "Come on babe they're gonna be in a shower for a while as we can do it real quick"

"Fine but you're cleaning up the mess as you know how nikki was pissed the last time" 

"I promise to clean up the mess babe"


They go to the kitchen getting out the materials they needed. Tommy was excited as they were adding and mixing the ingredients until it was done. Tommy started playing with the slime as vince told him to not get it on the carpet or stuck on the ceiling.

Tommy was tossing the slime up and down before he gives it to vince and he cleans up the mess he mostly made. Vince puts the slime in a tiny container they had then helps tommy. Nikki and mick got out dressed and they were off to their date.

It wasn't a expensive restaurant since they wanted to avoid publicity for the night. They ordered their food and as they wait, tommy was playing straw fight with nikki. Vince was watching them while mick slightly wonders how did he end up with these goofballs.

Vince calls for their attention as they stop and look at him "Who would've thought me and tommy would be together while mick and nikki are together and the irony is we're all in the same band"

"Well I'm happy with you babe"

They kiss as nikki holds mick close and gives him a kiss "And I'm happy with my sweetheart"

Mick smiled as their food came. They eat and talk until tommy and nikki were going at it of who is the best boyfriend.

Vince sighs while mick shakes his head

"Well sixx I was able to get vince that teddy bear from the fair the last time we went and you couldn't get one ball to hit the pin!!"

"I got mick a nice red car with roses inside because that's what good boyfriends do lee!!"

They were going back and forth until they made a bet of who was the best boyfriend. They all paid then they dragged their boyfriends to the car. This was a war that no one was prepared for.

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