Jeff [Steven x Izzy]

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At night, the gang was hanging out at some stripper's home. They were all high as axl was asleep. Duff and slash were passed out as they were drinking too.

Izzy was looking at the ceiling as he was quiet. Steven was playing with the Jack Daniels bottle until he dropped it. He asked izzy if he was alright. Izzy was hearing echo noises until steven caught his attention.

They talk for a bit before steven asked "Izzy what was your real name again?"


" don't really look like a jeff"

"Then what do I look like?

"A Izzy of course as the name Izzy stradlin  suits you"

It got quiet until steven laughed calling him "Jeffrey". Izzy was getting annoyed until he smirked remembering steven's real name.

"I suggest you stop michael"

Steven gasped, "Since when did you remember my real name?"

"I knew for a long time steven as it's not so hard to forget it. Like I said I suggest you stop michael"

"Or else what?"

Izzy got on top of steven as he pinned his arms over his head. Steven was surprised as he can tell izzy was serious.

"Or else I'll tell duff that it's you who hides his vodka and you know he doesn't play when someone touches his vodka steven"

"Fine I'll stop"

Izzy got off of steven. Steven touches his arm as he pouts "Did you have to pin me down so hard?"

"Yes otherwise you continue to be in la la land and think I'm joking when I'm not"

He looks at steven as he sighed and told steven to come. Steven was hesitant at first but sits close to izzy.

Izzy apologized and gives steven a hug. Steven was confused since izzy isn't the type to hug someone as he's more to himself.

Steven teased izzy of how he likes him and how he gives nice hugs. Izzy knew steven wasn't gonna stop talking anytime soon so he just lays down on the floor. He listens to steven talking while holding hands with each other.

He smiled once he noticed how small steven's hands were compared to his.

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