Mr. Green [Vince x Nikki/Vinikki]

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The band went to their usual table without a girl under it who pleases them. Vince and nikki had kiss and flirt with each other some times but nothing more than that. Nikki was drinking until he felt vince's hand on his thigh slightly squeezing it. Tommy was talking about his new idea for his drum solo while mick was asking a waitress for a bloody mary.

Vince stopped and excuse himself to the bathroom. Tommy scoots closer to nikki as he laughed "Lost his spot".

Once vince came out the bathroom, he was stopped by a girl who tried to flirt with him. Nikki was watching as vince could tell, he was leading the girl on to see if nikki would get jealous. The girl almost kissed vince until he pushed her away then told her off. She walks away as he walks back to the table.

Nikki was clenching his teeth while holding on to the shot cup tightly. Vince was on the opposite side of nikki as tommy telling them how they should organize what songs to play on their next tour. Vince managed to take his shoe off and his feet slowly go up nikki's thigh.

Nikki jumped a little as tommy stopped talking and they all look at him.

"I thought I felt something my bad"

Tommy continues running his mouth as vince smirked going more up feeling nikki getting hard. He stopped as he moves to the side putting on his shoe.

It was getting late as they came to their apartment as vince set his stuff down and went outside to go smoke. Nikki thought this was the opportunity to confront him.

Vince was smoking and walks down the street clearing his head until he was pulled into an alley. He tried to fight back until nikki turned him around.

"What the fuck was that shit you were doing back there?!!"

"I was just teasing nikki"

Nikki holds vince close only to bite his neck and making a hickey. Vince moaned loving the feeling as he pulls nikki closer. Nikki grabbed a fist full of vince's hair and pulls it back with one hand and his other hand on vince's throat.

"You think this shit is funny?!!"

"A little especially seeing you jealous when I talked to that girl"

He turned vince around slamming him into the wall before he unbuckled his belt.

They walked in the apartment as vince was smiling. Nikki pulled him closer and told him in a serious tone "I won't be easy on you the next time got it!!"

"Yes sweetheart "

They give each other a good night kiss before vince limps to his room and nikki goes to his and tommy's room.

Nikki changes his clothes and lays on his bed as he thought tommy was asleep until the drummer rise his head up "Had sex with vince didn't you?"

Nikki was confused as he turns to look at his terror twin "How did you know?"

"You just admit it" 

Nikki sighs covering his face

"So you and barbie huh?"


"Wait til mick finds out about this"

"Shut it T-bone"

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