Years without you [Slash x Axl/ Slaxl]

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*In an alternate universe, gnr broke up and haven't seen each other in years. But slash isn't married with kids yet working with other musicians while axl comes out of retirement. Duff is married with 2 sons, steven is living life, and izzy is around*

It has been years since gnr members seen each other except duff and slash as they keep in contact and still friends. Steven is still friends with all of them and keeps in contact. Same with izzy. Axl just came out of retirement after all these years as he agreed to the gnr reunion. 

When axl sees duff and slash talking, he was shocked. He didn't know exactly what to say or how to apprach them. He noticed how slash was looking good as it seems like he didn't age. Once duff look his way, he embraced axl with a hug as slash did too before they were all standing in an awkward silence. Axl looks down putting his hands in his pocket "It's been a long time since I seen any of's life?" Duff told him it's been great as he's a dad to two sons. Slash told him that he's been on tour and working with other musicians.

Axl nodded before steven yelled out to them. They all hugged and then he asked them "Hey has anyone texted izzy? He said he's supposed to be here but I don't know". They all shrugged before izzy came by "I was wondering where were you fuckers" they hugged him before a lady assistant directed them to their dressing rooms.

Duff, steven, and izzy were talking about their lives while slash sneaks off. He goes to axl's dressing room as he knocked before hearing axl say come on. He did as he asked axl what happened.

"what do you mean?"

"I mean what happened to you since gnr was over and you fell off the face of the earth for years"

"I figured I get the help I needed. You all know I had a lot of issues and I don't want to hurt anyone anymore. I done caused too much damage in this band"

Slash stood quiet as axl was brushing his long red hair then he asked "What about you? Other than working on music. Married? Kids?"

"Nope not married or have kids. But I do save take the time to save endangered species and take them to sanctuary homes"

"That's very righteous of you slash as it's one of the things"

"One of the things what?"

"One of the things I love about you"

They both stared at each other before slash confessed "I did miss you. I still do"

"I miss you too as it's been years without you. Without you making me laugh or talk to me about everything and anything that came to mind"

"Is that the only reason you came to this reunion?"



"No, I wanted to see you as if it was gonna be my last a way it kinda is. I mean after this reunion, will we never see each other again until the next reunion? I also wanted to see the guys too"

"I hope it doesn't end up like that especially since we're not getting any younger. I don't wanna be old or die with us being on bad terms"

The assistant knocks on the door and tells them it's time. They come out and go on stage as they hear the fans screaming and going wild. They all missed this feeling of being on stage and just playing until they can't play no more.

After the show, they all went to Denny's and ordered breakfast since it's already 2am.
Duff and steven were playing with the small milk creamers while izzy laid his head down. Slash was playing with his fingers while axl was staring at slash until he kissed him.

It was a shock to all of them, but it was more of a shock to see slash kiss back then pull axl on his lap. Even some of the denny workers stopped to see the action. They pulled away as duff says "Well that was something".

Slash and axl blush as izzy laughed "I don't know why that was a shocker when they've been kissing backstage before".

"Oh shut up"

Duff, steven, and izzy say "I don't shut up. I grow up and when I look at you, I throw up AHH"

"Then your mother walks around the corner and she likes it up"

They all laugh as they were surprised to remember that stand by me line. The food came as they all eat and laugh. Slash and axl were looking at each other as they slowly hold hands.

*Author's note*

Don't we all wish for the original gnr lineup as I had this one on my mind and switched a few things up since it would take place in an alternate universe.

Props to who can remember the stand by me reference as I don't own the movie 😂


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