Duffy the vampire [Duff x Steven]

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It was night, duff was coming out of the alley wiping blood from his mouth as he sighs in relief feeling stronger. He can't wait til morning to hear the horror of screams from the neighbors.

He was walking down the street until he went inside the liquor store and bought Jack Daniels. He goes outside and starts drinking which he knows it's nothing since it'll take a lot for him to get drunk.

He walks across to street only to witness a thief who stole some blonde guy's skateboard. Duff tripped him when the thief was running his way. The thief was gonna stab him with a pocket knife before duff grabbed his wrist and his eyes glows red.

"You're gonna stop stealing and go home"

The thief was speechless as he nodded and ran away. Duff grabbed the skateboard and gave it to the blonde guy who fell to the ground. Apparently he was stabbed as duff didn't have no car so he flagged down a taxi and told the the driver to drive to the hospital.

As they were in the backseat, duff was controlling himself to not bite this guy. The guy introduced himself as steven as he was scared not wanting to die so young.

"How old are you steven?"

"I just turned 20 a week ago. I still haven't done things I wished to do"

Steven passed out as duff looks to see if the driver was watching before he was gonna take a bite into steven's neck. When he got closer, he couldn't bring himself to do it as he knows steven probably wants to grow up and die of old age.

Duff talks to him and told him that he's gonna be okay as they made it to the hospital and steven was taken in immediately. Duff managed to sneak in and go into a room full of blood packs as he was in a good mood. A nurse caught him as he dragged her in the room and sucks her blood. She's dead as he felt bad.

He goes back out to the waiting room as he didn't know whether to wait to see steven or just go home since he doesn't know him. He sits down and stays since he knows there's no one wanting for him at home.

Hours went by, he finally sees steven as he asked how is he feeling.

"I feel a little better as I want to thank you for saving my life"

"Oh don't mention it"

"No seriously thank you. I think I would've died in the street if it wasn't for you"

They got to know each other as duff was starting to like this guy. Steven mentioned how he works at a record store and plays in a band on Fridays and weekends.

"Maybe I can come by and see one of your shows"

"Maybe since we have to cancel sometimes cause of our bass guitarist is not showing up and he drinks like a lot that he can't keep up"

"Well I play a bass guitar"

"No kidding?"

"I swear"

Steven told duff that he can come by his place and they can play something together. Duff agreed as he has to go since visiting hours were over.

Duff went back home, wondering what is this feeling that he is feeling. After years being alone, he crave to have some type of bond with someone else trying to not sound desperate.

Duff met steven as the sun was coming down. Steven was pissed a little as he asked duff "Dude I thought you weren't gonna come what took you so long ?"

"I was busy doing stuff and I don't have your number to call you that I was gonna be running late"

They exchanged numbers as steven's bandmates were ready to start practicing. They were practicing on a song that wasn't too hard. As soon as it was dark, they all were leaving one by one. Duff says his goodbye to steven and slowly walks away focusing on his next prey. Steven was packing up until he sees duff left some of his guitar picks.

He sees duff was down the street before turning right on the corner. He ran calling for duff until he sees him go into an alley. He called for duff until he dropped the picks not believing what he was seeing.

Seeing duff munching on his prey and sucking the blood made him paralyzed with fear before duff smelled. He smelled steven was behind him. Steven ran for his life as duff wipes his mouth then goes after him.

Steven was almost to a police station until he was pulled into the bushes and duff knocks him out taking him to his place. Once steven wakes up, he was breathing heavily realizing he is not in his home.

He stands up looking around as it looks like a normal apartment. Duff was on the floor by his bed smoking.

"Finally you woke up"

That voice startled steven as he asked duff what is he doing here as duff explained his life story first then how he took steven to his place.

Steven didn't want to believe him until duff showed his fangs "I can snap your neck and nobody will find a trace of your body"

"Please just let me go and I won't tell anyone"

"Yea I'll let you go because in the end no one is gonna believe you as I'm immune as shit to those typical vampire stuff"

"S-so garlic, holy water, the cross, and sunlight won't do anything to you"

"pretty much except I can't be in the sun for too long. But I do have a record on how long can I stay in the sun without feeling like I'm on fire"

Steven was unsure how he felt about this. He asked duff if he ever stopped preying on people for blood.

"Come on steven! I only prey on people who are just bad people. People who are innocent just doesn't do well on me. I mean my heart may be frozen but I still have a heart"

"So I can leave and you won't hunt me down"

"Like I said, no one will believe you besides I have no reason to prey to on you"

A part of steven wanted to leave and another part wanted to know more about duff like what has he been doing for these years for entertainment or if he ever wanted a family to be with.

Just in time, rain started pouring as steven sighs. Duff gives him a blanket and told him he can crash on his bed and he'll take the couch. Steven wasn't sure to trust him.

"Don't worry I won't bite you not now or ever"

"Pinky promise?" Steven asked while holding up his pinky. Duff wraps his pinky with steven's.

"Pinky promise"

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