Fuckin hurts [Slash x Duff/Sluff]

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Around soundcheck, slash decided to give himself a break and ride his bike. He was riding his bike back and forth on the stage until he went up this ramp as he do a trick only to slip and fall. But he fell on pretty hard on his right arm. He didn't yell out any pain but lay there in silence as axl and duff seen how it happened.

They ran to slash and help him sit up as he was holding his right arm. He couldn't move it much as axl rolled his eyes "Nice going slash now we can't perform"

"Fuck you we always end up performing a hour late or don't perform at all cause you don't show up"

Axl didn't say anything but asked someone if they can use their car to take slash to the hospital. Duff told slash to not listen to him as he was worried and tried to see if he broke his arm.

Slash was in too much pain to notice as they take him to the hospital. The doctor told slash that he only sprained his arm as it's not too damaging to wear a cast.

The nurses wrap his arm up and give him some medicine. He was only cloud 9 that duff ended up carrying him to the car. He was in the back with slash as he was softly brushing slash's hair telling him he'll be okay soon while axl was driving.

Once they came back, duff told axl he's gonna stay in the car with slash. Axl nod and left while slash was really out of it. Duff felt bad for telling the nurse to add a little more dose of the medicine to give to slash. He didn't want to see him in pain.

When slash was finally out of it, he was still in pain thinking how it fuckin hurts. Duff asked if he's hungry as he nod. Duff feeds slash some fries and half of his hamburger until slash laughed "You don't have to feed me duff as I still got one hand".

"I know but I want to as it'll distract you from being in pain"

"That's nice of you duff"

Duff continued feeding slash until slash wanted to drink but duff said no.

"Please just a sip as I'm in pain here"



"No, you'll want a whole bottle if I give you a sip as I got you these"

Duff stole some medication pills as he gives slash two and checked what time is it for when he needs to take his next dose. It took a while for it to kick in until slash was feeling better.

Slash started to notice how out of everyone, duff is the one who is taking caring care of him. He thanks duff for that as duff told him that he just wants to make sure he's alright. Slash looks at him as he knows it's more than that.

They had a staring contest until duff sighed and confessed how he likes slash more than a friend.

"I know"


"It's kinda obvious the way you looked at axl when he made that comment about messing up the show. You looked like you were gonna beat him up for it. Or how you stole medication and feeding me. I also heard you talking to me when we were in the car and I could've sworn I felt a kiss on my forehead"

Duff was speechless as he didn't know slash would pay attention to it. Slash told him that he doesn't mind having a tall boyfriend anyways as long as he keeps being his nurse. They both laughed before they smooch.

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