Exploring [Slash x Steven]

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It was a day off for the band as slash was experiencing a hangover. Meanwhile steven was talking about the mirror that was close by.  Slash gets the phone and calls for room service as steven comes close to slash pouting.

"Slash are you even listening to me?"

"Steven I'm on the phone"

Slash continued to give the other person on the line what he wants to eat and a side of painkillers to take. Steven hangs up the phone and sits on top of slash telling him how he wants to take a little tour around the fancy hotel they're staying in. Slash sighed "Steven not now as I have a hangover and just want to stay in".

"Well you shouldn't have been drinking so much"

"What do you want to do to keep myself busy?"

"I don't know but I do know we're gonna be staying here for a while as I just figured we can take a tour a here"

"Go with duff or izzy or axl"


"Why not? I'm sure duff would like a tour with you"

"No, it's not gonna be the same. Duff is just gonna get himself drunk or talk to some chick. Izzy is....izzy and I don't think axl likes me so much plus we'll just be arguing"

"Not my problem steven just let me sleep in peace"

To tick slash off, steven started jumping on the bed as slash sighed while turning to lay on his stomach "Are you fuckin kidding me steven?"

Steven ignored him until slash sits up to bring steven down "If I go on this little tour with you would you stop jumping on the bed?"


"Thank you"

There was a knock on the door as steven opens it. They eat first then got dressed before they were off. They explored around a bit as they found a indoor pool that was meant for club members only. Steven took his clothes off to get in as slash tried to get him out.

"Steven come on get out or we'll be staying in a motel!!"



"Make me"


"Make me unless you're scared"

Slash took his clothes off to jump in as steven keeps splashing him and laughing. They were playing around until one of the members came by. He told them to get out as they did and used extra towels that were by to dry off. He called them troublemakers and delinquents who are bound to end up in jail. Steven gave him the finger before pushing him in the pool.

They grab their clothes as slash drags steven to the elevator. They were laughing as they were going up.

They ended up doing ding dong ditch on every floor before heading up to the suite level. They walk down and see one of the doors was left open as they walk inside shocked seeing the inside. Slash checked to see if anyone was inside but nobody was in there.

An hour went by as they crashed the place and threw out the tv from the window before they went inside the elevator.

On fifth floor, steven ended up changing hotel room numbers to mess with the people who might be on the floor while slash kept the look out.

Slash seen a butler coming with a cart full of champagne. He pretended to be a guess to a party that was happening on the floor taking the champagne as the butler walks off.

He comes back to see steven not around as he calls for steven only to see a group of men from the club taking steven to the front desk. They were angry and wanted him kicked out.


Slash just happened to see a group of groupies as he flirts with them before asking them a favor. The club members were calling steven bad names and drags him to the front desk.

Before, they could ask to get steven kicked out the groupies managed to surround them and try flirting with them. While they were distracted, slash dragged steven away and they run to the elevator then to their room.

They were heavy breathing as steven sits on the floor looking down "I'm sorry for the trouble slash. I dragged you into this mess as well could've stayed inside but I just had to say something. I am sorry"

Slash next to steven opening the champagne "Don't be sorry. I had fun as it was boring at first but then it started getting fun after you pushed the guy into the pool"

"That fucker deserved it like who does that old fuck think he is to judge anyone"

"He kinda deserved it but I was worried about you cause you disappeared until I seen those those guys wanting to have you kicked out. I couldn't let them do that"

"Thanks slash..umm slash where did you meet those groupies?"

"The same floor we were on as I told them that if they distract those club people then I'll return the favor"

"And what favor was that?"

"Walk around the hotel in a groupie outfit for one hour today at 10 "

"Sucks to be you"

"How bad can it be?"

*At 10pm *

Slash was walking around the hotel lobby as his feet was hurting from wearing the heels. The groupies were laughing as duff, izzy, and axl were telling slash to bend over or how he looks great in a skirt.

Once that hour was up, slash immediately took off the heels. He sighs in relief as he went to the bar close by and ordered a drink. The bartender tried not to laugh as he asked "Rough night?"

"Fuck you"

The bartender poured his drink then walked away laughing. Steven came by telling him "I think you look nice"

"You think so?"

"Yea but I like you better as yourself and how you usually dressed "

"What a day today was"

"yea but if makes you feel better I can give you a foot massage"


"Hell yeah since you wore heels for an hour and I don't like seeing you in pain"

They smiled at each other before they drink and head back to their room.

While steven was trying to open the door, Axl yelled from down the hall "Steven who's the skank?"

"Fuck you Axl!!"

Steven pulled slash inside as axl laughed going to his room.

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