Sunny day [Steven x Duff]

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Steven was getting dressed to start his day. Today, it was the band's day off as he wanted to see if duff was busy. He called duff as it was silent for a moment before duff answered.

He asked duff if he had any plans as duff told him not really as he would just be drinking all day. Steven told him to meet up at an old diner that's down the street. They meet up and eat breakfast as steven was playing with his eggs "Ya know duff there's a movie theater not far from here. We should go since there's nothing to do" duff was sipping some of his water. He shrugged telling him sure as they left to the movies.

They can only afford the tickets as steven looks at the candy bar section "This sucks. I wish I didn't waste my money so fast" duff told him that they should go as the movie is gonna start.

They sit way in the back on the right side as there was barely people in there. It was a cheesy comedy as it was sure making steven laugh. Duff couldn't help but smile thinking how adorable how laugh is.

He gets up telling steven that he'll be back. He went to the lobby looking at the candy section as he asked the cashier how much is the candy. The cashier told him the prices as he goes to the bathroom.

Only to come back out with a wallet not his as he gets the candy he could possibly think steven would like and popcorn. He came back as steven was laughing before asking "Dude what took you so long? Wait you got candy and popcorn??" Duff gives him candy. Steven was happy not aware that he gave duff a kiss on the cheek before eating the candy.

Duff blushed as he slowly wrapped an arm around him. Once the movie was over, they sneak into another movie and another movie before they went to steven's apartment.

Steven told him "This has been a fun day duff. I had a good time otherwise I just would've been in my house bored"

"No problem steven as I would've been drinking my life away....hey do you remember kissing my cheek back at the movies?"

Steven acted confused and duff told him it's nothing and to forget about it. Steven opens his apartment door and went inside. Before he closed the door, he gave duff a kiss and told him "I remember now".

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