Boys need love too [Slash x Axl or slaxl]

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It was one of those nights where axl feels the need to destroy things in his hotel room and probably yell at anyone who interfere. He doesn't do it just for fun, he does it because it's around that time where he's reminded of his childhood. He wonders if he'll ever heal from the trauma he went through.

He doesn't like to lash out on others but it happens. He starts to wonder if he's capable to love and be loved by someone.

Right now, Axl is smashing the tv before throwing it out his window as he didn't care. Duff was passed out to even stop him and slash came in just in time to stop him from throwing more stuff out the window.

Axl yells at him until slash slowly calms him down and asked what question. The singer muttered something he couldn't hear until he asked again. Axl got frustrated, "It's around that time again!!...I started to remember all those bad things happening to me before". Slash knew what he was talking about and softly rubbed his back. He continued doing so as he heard axl sniffing and trying not hold back from crying.

He told him "Axl there's no one here as you can cry and I won't tell anyone. I promise". Then that's exactly what the red head did, he cried and cried while slash just hold him close a little. He didn't know much about comforting someone but he was trying his best. Axl asked slash "Do you think I'm able to love or be loved?" As slash was a bit caught off guard by that question. He tells axl that he can be as he is able to be healed from what happened in his childhood just it takes time.

Axl was feeling better as slash slightly pushed duff so they can lay down. They ended up cuddling and talked for a bit before going to bed. In the morning, duff wakes up from a overbearing hangover as he was confused seeing them all snuggled up close together. Slash managed to wake up but didn't want to wake up axl as he was shocked to see duff up.

Duff puts on his boots and tells slash "Don't worry I won't tell anyone as we both don't want to feel axl's wrath. Besides he looks cute in his sleep". Slash agreed as he just goes back to sleep holding axl close.

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