Sing with me [Axl x Duff]

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Axl was singing Mr. Brownstone as he was hopping around or doing his usual dance moves until he got over on duff's side. He winks at duff as duff smiled and shakes his head.

They've been dating for 3 months now and only a few people know about it. Axl brings duff to the front of the stage and sing with him. Duff was a little shy seeing the crowd but he does it for axl.

They sang, "So fine", "Welcome to the jungle", "November rain", and lastly "Night train". The crowd loved it as the guys in the band were ready to party. They head backstage as duff wraps his arm around axl.

"You should sing more duff"

"You think so?"

"Yeah why not as we can ditch the back up singers"

Duff laughed as they head to axl's dressing room. Axl locked the door as he wraps his arms around duff's waist bringing him closer.

"I'm serious"

"I dont know as I can't hit high notes like you"

"So? That doesn't mean you shouldn't sing. You can sing parts you're comfortable with"

"I'll think about it as we do sound nice singing together"

"That we do"

They laugh before duff puts his hands on axl's cheeks making him look up and they kiss. It was getting heated as they sit on the couch making out until duff pulls away.

"How many minutes we have before we have to come back on stage?"

Axl looks at the clock, "40 minutes why?"

Duff gets up to leave but came back with twister. They close the door and set the game up. Matt was passing by until he hears moaning and he laughed to go get slash.

Matt and slash were by the door eavesdropping until the door opens. They see duff and axl in a interesting position while playing twister. Matt told them, "Wow and you guys didn't invite us to play".

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