Guitar Battle [Kirk x Rob ]

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James, kirk, and lars were bored after practicing for a bit. Kirk figured they head to rob's place as they drive there. Kirk had rob picture saved as his home screen as only lars knows that kirk is into rob. Kirk feels like they have a connection and get along so well. He likes seeing rob getting along with his kids as well but it's no surprise since rob is an amazing dad to his own kids.

They made it to his house and knocked on the door. Rob's son, tye, opened the door and his face lit up seeing the guys as he lets his dad know before letting them in.

Rob comes in greeting them as they hug it out before james asked if he was busy.

"Nah I'm just here spending time with the kids. We're playing guitar hero"

Tye told them how he's winning and they all laugh. Rob asked if they're thirsty or want anything to eat but they all said no and how they're good. They all head to the living room as his daughter, lullah, was eating blueberry waffles. Once she seen kirk, she went to go hug him as he hugs her back feeling warm inside since she's more to herself.

Rob and james try to see who would win in guitar hero as the rest was cheering one or the other. Rob won as he challenged lars as lars laughed, "Hey don't be surprised if I'm missing notes". Lars did exactly that as he was missing a lot that the guitar hero audience was booing in the background.

He quit. So kirk decided to battle rob as they did. It was intense since one would win until the other would catch up. Somehow it ended up as a tie as they go for another round. Rob won as they all laugh a bit.

Tye told james about the new mario game as they set the game up to play while lars called next after one loses. Lullah told her dad that she's gonna go to her room to watch tv. He said alright as she walks off. He asked kirk if he's thirsty as kirk just asked for water.

Rob gives him some water then he looks around the refrigerator to see what to cook for dinner. He told the guys that they're welcome to stay for dinner. Kirk said alright but james has to leave to an appointment while lars had to go home pretty soon.

"So I guess it's just you, me, and the kids"

"Yea since lani has the kids this week"

"Hey man I'm sorry about the divorce. You'll make it though"

"It's getting better actually"

"Oh that's good"

Later, james and lars left as kirk helped rob set up the table. They eat as tye asked kirk if his kids can sleepover someday as kirk told him, "Yea if it's alright with your dad and I have to ask them if they want to"

"I don't mind it as they can sleepover any time"

Kirk said cool before the kids were done and off to get ready for bed. Kirk helps rob clean up as rob told him thank you.

"No problem rob"

They wash dishes then tye needed help with his hair. Rob went to go help as lullah came to get a pop tart. She sat down on the chair telling kirk, "I know you like like my dad".

A dish almost slipped out of kirk's hand before he rinses it off and sets it down. He ask how as she takes a bite of the pop tart, "I see the way you look at him and I think you're fit for my dad"


"Better than the dates my dad went on. Plus you have kids yourself so if you and my dad get married then I'll have more siblings to play with"

Rob called her to come get ready for bed as she hugged kirk good night before going to her room. Kirk was shocked on what just happened as he does want to move on with his life and start a new. He told rob that he's gonna head out as rob said okay. They hugged it out as kirk left.

Rob seen a poptart wrapper on the table as he was gonna throw it away until it says, "Call me sometime ❤"

He just smirked to himself and did gave kirk a call after the kids were asleep.

*Author's note*

I wanted to write one with rob cause I barely see one shots with him and I feel like he should be included.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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