𝑳𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 12

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𝑳𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 ~ 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 12
Sosa's pov

After Y/n stopped crying she fell sleep in my arms. I guess she was tired from crying. I decided to take a nap with her. Two hours later I woke up to the sound of the door opening. It was Darry. I put my finger over my mouth making him stay quiet. He walked out of the room and back down to the living room. "Hey, Y/n wake up. Come on it's time to wake up now." I said, shaking her. She shook her and and said "No." I had no other choice but to pick her up bridal style and bring her downstairs. "Soda. Put me down!" She said while kicking her legs. "This is the only way your going to wake up, babe." I put her outside, making the very bright sunlight hit her face. "Wow, ok that did wake me up, but I still don't want to be alive right now." She said. I just hugged her before grabbing her hand and bringing her back inside to sit on the couch. She laid her legs on the couch while her head was in my lap. I was playing with her hair when Two-Bit walked in the room. Two-Bit looked at Y/n but she didn't realize he was in the room. "Y/n I'm sorry I was asking all of those questions. I should've listened to you the first time. I really don't have anyone else to tease, I mean, horseboy's never gonna get a girl so. But the point is I'm really sorry." Two-Bit said. I guess she heard him because she got up and hugged him. "I'm sorry too." She said.

(Skip two weeks)

Y/n's today is the day I get my cast off. I'm not gonna miss it. It's been hard trying to do things I usually do with it on. "Pepsi! We're gonna be late!" I yelled. Soda came speeding down the stairs. "Sorry, I couldn't find my shoes." He said. We walked out the door and went to the car. "Ok so a little heads up. If the doctor asks where my boyfriend is, don't get freaked out ok? Because when I went there with Steve he thought me and steve were dating. So just act like a friend ok?" Soda nodded as we pulled into the parking lot. "Alright. Ready to get that cast off princess?" He said laughing. "Hell yeah, I hate this thing. After I get it off, then I can hold both of your hands." I said while smiling. We walked in, did all the stuff, and got my cast off. When we walked out we saw a black mustang. "Soda let's go, now." I said while pulling his arm. When the Socs saw us they tried to follow us but we drove off. When we were almost at the house I saw a familiar car in front. "No no no, Soda we cannot be here right now we need to go anywhere but your house." I said, panicking. "Babe you have to talk to him~" he started. "No. I never want to see him again. Even if I wanted to forgive him it would take time. And if you want me in that house I'm locking my self in your room. I can't be around him right now. Who knows what he'll do to me. He probably just wants to push my to the ground again, or punch me~" I said, breaking down. Once Soda parked the car he went over to my side and hugged me. Soda picked me up with my arms wrapped around his neck and my legs wrapped around his waist. He knocked on the door because if he tried to open it he would've dropped me. Darry opened the the door. Everybody look at us. "Give her a minute, ok?" Soda said. I was crying into his shoulder. "It's alright baby." He said rubbing my back. He carried me up the stairs and into his room. "I'm sorry." I said while crying. "Sorry for what? You have nothing to be sorry about."

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