The Loose Crown

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The traditions for the death of a Fire Lord demanded that the honor they had in death was as great as the roles and leaders they played in life.

For her grandfather, Elaria knew the people would expect something grand, perhaps not as grand as Fire Lord Sozin, but a celebration that all their people would want to join in. The Council had all but demanded to take over this matter, Uncle Ozai the most vocal to take care of it, and while Elaria felt nervous that they wanted to take over a duty that she was meant to spearhead, a part of her felt nothing but relief to be out of Royal duties.

She supposed that they noticed it as well when the Governor of a simple Earth Kingdom colony all but kicked her out.

Instead, she was introduced to her new attendants, "You all waited on my Grandfather?" She asked pleasantly, not wanting to seem too disinterested, in front of her was a row of servants, all-female, their faces seemed dull, and round, freckles dotted the face of one, another could barely look into her eyes and the final three all seemed to be related to one another.

"Actually milady, they are newer attendants, they've worked for Lady Ursa." Elaria's brows furrowed as she turned to the head servant, a woman with hair as grey as her father. She appeared to be strict with tight features and sharpened lines that pulled her face downwards. "Why would I have Auntie's servants?"

"I'm afraid to say that Lady Ursa has been missing for several hours-"

"What? How have I not heard of this beforehand?" Elaria demanded answers from the servant, her bones were chilled to not have heard this news, first her grandfather and now her aunt? Was that the reason for the extreme caution of the guards?

"The news was meant to be told to you by the council-"

"Forget them, I must see my cousins at once." Elaria turned to Auntie's servants, all their faces shriveled in and fearful of their new lady, "All of you will break into groups and find my cousins at once. I shall be meeting the council, should you find them then come to the doors and wait for my exit." She didn't care for the fear of their faces, in this case, it would work better for them to complete their first assignment.

Elaria marched away from the Head of the Hand, moving through the wings until she came upon her Grandfather's room, for a second she paused, before moving ahead as quickly.

It wouldn't do her good to dwell on the dead, but if Lady Ursa, her sweet Auntie can be found then she as Fire Lord can search and scour the earth for her.

"What is the news of my aunt?" Elaria yelled to her council.

"Milady I'm afraid you have no business here-"

She scoweled, "My business is of the royal family and this council which serves it," Elaria placed a possessive emphasis on the first word.

One advisor, an attendant to one of the commanders spoke behind, "Milady, I as your servant, am afraid to say that Lady Ursa had disappeared sometime in the night."

"Was there an invader in the palace?"

"There were no signs of altercations or fighting." He rejected it.

"That you have yet to find." Elaria finished for him, "Split into groups, my generals will send parties to search for Lady Ursa," She breathed in, feeling her hair graying. "While my Uncle and I along with the remaining will take care of matters with my Grandfather's funeral."

Ozai seemed angry at her intervention, she knew the generals looked up to his fury, his bending producing flames so hot that they chilled nerves, cold and ruthless. The men preferred his lead. 

She also knew his tactics were best to lead them in the mission of her Great Grandfather. To unite the world under one nation.

Ozai walked to her, before pulling her out of the room, the gentlemen remained in their seated positions around the tactician table. "My dear girl, I believe it best if you allowed me to handle these matters, if my wife is to be found then I am the best to search for her."

"And what of your children? My cousins?" Elaria asked worriedly, searching the hall for the servants with any sign of her cousins. "They have been sent away to the fire bending academy, they will be fostered there for some time until it is best for them to return."

Elaria filled with rage, "You sent them away just like that? Without a single chance for them to recuperate?" She said angered,

"Zuko is your elder and while he is weak, he will have to grow up."

"Zuko has just learned his mother is missing."

"It does not matter!" Ozai yelled at her, having enough of the conversation.

Elaria quieted at his booming voice, having lost her own in the volume of his rage.

She looked to the ground, anywhere but his face, in her attempt to seem collected as tears flooded her eyes.

Ozai's chest grew as he sucked in a breath and plastered a smile, "My dear sweet girl, rest. I promise to look after you and the palace matters."

She didn't meet his eyes.

"This day has been a long one for you has it not?" He asked again in the silence, she was so tempted to comply, to return to sleep and forget everything.

He hugged her, the rigid muscles under his ornate robes feeling hard against her nose mushed into his chest. She tried her best to lose the tension in her arms as they wrapped around him, he was family, he would never hurt her.

"I can take care of the matters of the nation, in fact, I have an idea to discuss with the council."

"What is it?" Elaria asked, weakened by the turns of the day, her father and Ozai were all she had left here at the palace.

Her Grandfather was dead.

Her Auntie, missing. Possibly dead herself.

Her favorite cousin, and elder Zuko, gone for who knew how long.

And her next cousin, Azula, also gone, Mai, and Ty Lee would also not be able to come into the palace without Azula's consent. Elaria for all her supposed power could not force them to be her friends.

And Marla, the closest being she had to a mother, no longer permitted to see her or serve her because of their customs.

There was too much happening too quickly. It was a horrible day that gradually became worse. 

"Where is my father?" She found herself asking Ozai,

The man smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. Elaria noticed. "He left with Zuko, and Azula, determined to be there for them during this troubling time."

"He's gone?" Did he leave her? Ozai answered, all too quickly. "Yes my dear."

Elaria felt herself go numb, sinking, everything she knew was gone besides a role that was already killing her. "Uncle I would like to go to bed, do what you must to let me rest today, please."

Ozai grinned, letting her go and sending her off in the direction of her room. He turned around, looking at the door left open, knowing fully that the advisors and the council heard her every word.

He opened the door further, making space for his entrance before he strolled in and sat in the head seat of the reigning leader. None of them said a word as papers were drafted up.

Meanwhile, Elaria returned to bed, yearning that the next morning she would be woken by Marla, and have breakfast with her Grandfather and the pack of the royal family together once again. 

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