Into the Spirit World

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In dedication to

@AthriaHomestuck, I would love to say so much more but at the same time, I'm sure the story could do with more progress! So I'll keep these A/N short. ON WITH THE STORY- 


Elaria watched nervously as Aang wandered around the Senlin's entrance, the empty village allowed his voice to reach her ears undistorted. "Hello, Spirit? Can you hear me? This is the Avatar speaking. I'm here to try to help stuff."

She was accompanied by Katara and Sokka, "This isn't right. We can't sit here and cower while Aang waits for some monster to show up." Sokka said. He was clearly unhappy with leaving Aang out there, and for once Elaria agreed with him. She wanted to be out there to help him but at the same time, she couldn't help but revert to her old way of thinking. She felt as though she had no power to help him. 

Aang's words echoed in her head, "You always have a choice." 

Without knowing she and Sokka had the same idea-  if Aang needs them they would go out. 

The old man spoke, "If anyone can save us, he can." Of course, he can. But he doesn't have to do it alone; Elaria thought. Her words would harmonize with Sokka's. 

"He still shouldn't have to face this alone." Sokka and Elaria spoke unanimously, they stared at each other in surprise before a look of camaraderie registered in their gazes. Aang would be the only one that could make them get along. 

Elaria sweatdropped at Aang's attempts to communicate with the spirit. Only wandering around and speaking to nothing. It reminded her of a different Avatar legend that she had stumbled upon in her father's study as a little girl. This Avatar had thier own altercation with an angry spirit. Yet if his predecessor could face uncertainty than Aang could do the same. Both would succeed. 

Aang talked to the silence, "The sun has set. Where are you, Hei Bai? Well... spirit... uh ... I hereby ask you to please leave this village in peace. Okay ... well ... I guess that's settled, then." He spun his staff and sticks it down so that it could stand on its own. Aang turned around beginning to walk back to them when destruction became imminent around him. Hei Bai had appeared from nothing, he slowly approached the oblivious avatar. 

Aang turned around at the feeling of the air shifting; he looks up meeting the gaze of Hei Bai, "You must be the Hei Bai spirit. My name is–" The spirit let out a roar before stampeding past him. Aang struggled to keep up, yelling to try and communicate with the spirit, "My name's Aang! I'm the Avatar and I would like to help. Hey, wait up!" 

The spirit let out a beaming ray of light, it would have looked beautiful to Elaria, like the fire that entranced her with how brightly it burned. It was just like Azula's and both were destructive. The beam decimated its target, a tower in the village. Aang continued to fruitlessly communicate with Hei Bai and Elaria felt her adrenaline spike. 

The way Hei Bai raged, the anger that scorched the heart of the village made a mirage of her cousin come to mind. Azula, who always held anger, would give the impression of an icy nature, a facade that chilled the people around her. When she erupted, anyone around her would burn. Elaria had witnessed it many times, yet she was never at the receiving end. 

Her cousin Azula, is broken, she had always been a shell of what she needed from Aunt Ursa who always gave her love to Zuko. It was what Azula and Elaria bonded on. No mothers, and a parent that loved Zuko more than them. Azula trusted her. Would that trust remain if she found out that Elaria willingly left with Aang and their friends? 

Another person that abandoned me. Azula's mirage bit at her.

Elaria dispelled the illusion, frustration seeping into her at the persistent trail of her family on this quest. 

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