Needless to say, crossing the Canyon had been a disaster.
Days leading up to it had consisted of Katara and Aang following her around, Sokka's snide comments that had her wanting to throttle him, and worst of all the rampaging moods that led to constant arguments.
Elaria had taken the time to separate herself from all of them- only talking to Sokka as needed or bored. Katara had grown temperamental. Aang on the other hand did his best to follow his teachings and give her silence as needed; But apparently not space.
May Agni curse Sokka for making Aang paranoid!
The idiotic waterboy had to mention that she had nearly been blown up!
They'd never know how strongly her irritation boiled her blood. She had taken to remaining poignant and refrained from lowering her mask. It was as though they had started at the very beginning- this time however the roles were reversed. She had the power of guilt.
Not that she wanted it.
When Aang remedied the conflict between the Gan Jins and the Zhangs she had leaped at the chance to just get away from them. All of them.
He had offered the two feuding groups of refugees a means of travel for their elderly across the canyon on Appa. Elaria had offered herself as the guide and chaperone.
Much to the chagrin of the elders- who only unified- to complain to her about their trip.
She didn't know how poor the situation with the elders was in comparison. Even hearing their bickering made her want to jump from Appa. She had considered leaving them in the canyon- but that was her temperament rearing itself.
It was still better than dealing with Aang's hovering and Katara's need to do everything for her.
Finally, after flying on Appa, they reached the other end of the Canyon. Her left eye had stopped twitching and the nail-shaped crescents in her hands slowly faded away.
Elaria laid strewn on Appa's fur. She freely cuddled him, relieved at the silence as the group she attended slept.
Late into the following morning, as Elaria took the time to meditate- isolated from the elders- she reflected on the 'Jet' episode of her life but that only sparked her irritation once more.
Thinking about her family only made her feel more 'doom and gloom' as the eldest Zhang coined her. So she took the time to care for belongings. Then paced around their camp where they waited for the rest of the groups. She strolled the trees surrounding them. Secretly practiced her airbending.
Strolled once more.
That's when her nerves fried any image of tranquility she tried to possess. Elaria grunted and kicked upwards, a move that would have jetted fire to her opponents. Instead, a heavy stream of air careened against the trees. Forcing them to sway and branches to briefly bend.
Where in Agni's name are they?
She silently cursed in her head. If they didn't come back she swore she'd go to the spirit world to strike them down. Her rage would be all the offense she'd need.
Why couldn't she stay mad at them once?
Once! Without something happening that threatened their lives!
How can I be angry when I'm so afraid all the time for them?
Another blast of wind snapped branches and hustled them from their high places. Before they collided harshly on the earth. Soon a clutters of leaves ripped from the trees, and wood covered the dirt beneath her. Elaria had collapsed from fatigue.

ATLA Little Bender
Fanfiction"I am Regina Elaria, Fire Lord Azulon's successor, future Empress of the Fire Nation. Daughter of the ex-Crowned General Iroh, Cousin of the royal graces Zuko and Azula, niece of Lord Ozai, and Great Granddaughter of Fire Lord Sozin." Elaria listed...