Soon enough they were upon the village, it was simple with one main road. The people seemed to love Kyoshi, especially at the clean statue honoring her at the center of the village. The homes were made of wood, Elaria winced; easy to burn.
She disbanded from Zuko. Mako, and Uru following her ready to defend her and firebend in a second. As usual, she wore her ornaments, her dress, and a robe although the hood was lowered. Nonetheless, it was all too easy to tell her value among the firebenders. She hoped that if Mako and Uru didn't attack and only defended her when needed then she would be safe from the ire of the Kyoshi Warriors. The main path was empty, all but a few cowering villagers dashing into their homes.
As Elaria rode off she could hear Zuko in the distance, "Come out, Avatar! You can't hide from me forever!" He looked around him, his eyes meeting Elaria's briefly before he nodded her off and directed his attention to the guards, "Find him."
Her heart went out to the villagers, briefly, before she swallowed the bitter pill and continued to glance around, merely wanting to get away from the fight but not stay on the ship with her father. "Milady," Uru urged this time, "please don't go too far, the Avatar is on this Island, he nearly kidnapped you before, the capital would be furious with us if we were to risk your safety," he wore the masks of their troops preventing her from seeing his face. It didn't matter; he wanted her safety because of her rank not because he cared or knew her. Either way, she never sought trouble ever since her interaction with the Avatar on the ship.
"That is if he were to know about the Avatar in the first place," Elaria turned to them, "You know your silence must be complicit. Your Royal Grace Zuko must be the one to find the Avatar, it's the only way to go home." Her voice commanded them, Elaria rose her chin and clenched her teeth. Willing her regal aura to stand.
"My uncle must never find out about the Avatar, not until he's brought down on his knees to him." Elaria incisively states, she was uncertain in how she felt about Aang; the fact that for the past weeks since she met him she's been hearing his voice near and never being able to find him has been driving her up the wall, she honestly hoped that by capturing him she would be able to get answers. That her paranoia of insanity was unfounded.
From the corner of her eye, Elaria could spot her cousin having a confrontation with the Kyoshi Warriors. Three appeared from behind the houses, one sporting herself to jump from the roof as they all performed high attacks to throw soldiers from the Komodo rhinos, one last Kyoshi Warrior dodged to the side of a strike before performing a high kick and using her blades to hit the joints of the soldier and push him to the ground. "Uru, Mako," Elaria said, not liking what she was seeing, "Help defend our soldiers, We're being attacked from above, use the tails of the Komodo rhinos to whip them out of the way."
Uru and Mako hesitated; contemplating whether or not they could leave her before she lost her patience and yelled at them to go. The two rocketed towards the conflict while Elaria did her best to remain still. Although preparing her komodo rhino to defend her by using the same tactics.
As Uru and Mako helped keep the warriors back, Zuko was having a confrontation with another Warrior, although seeming to have the same thought as his cousin he merely pulled the reins of the rhino and the beast whipped its tail to slam the warrior away from him. Elaria; from up the street could see the body land harshly against the ground, Zuko was ready to strike her down with firebending before another body came into play and used their fans to decimate his flames.
This warrior had darker skin and didn't... fit in the outfits of the Kyoshi ladies. If anything Elaria could have sworn it was a boy, perhaps he was too much of an aficionado of the warrior females. Another warrior from the shadows retreated behind Zuko's rhino and startled the beast, pushing Zuko off and scaring the animal away in one motion.

ATLA Little Bender
Fanfiction"I am Regina Elaria, Fire Lord Azulon's successor, future Empress of the Fire Nation. Daughter of the ex-Crowned General Iroh, Cousin of the royal graces Zuko and Azula, niece of Lord Ozai, and Great Granddaughter of Fire Lord Sozin." Elaria listed...