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Warning- The Next Update is not relative to the story, its my own personal thoughts and words for Chadwick Boseman and those who have suffered in the year of 2020. Meaning all of us. It will stay up for a while, before I take it down.  I hope to hear your thoughts on it, we're a community that should hold together even during the most tragic of times. With our stories, fandoms, and interests. Including ATLA, thank you for sharing this with me, now ON WITH THE STORY! - Jokes_onmi


"I don't think that these Pirates are here to trade with us!" Katara frightfully yelled. Elaria is the first to break into a run before the others finish; the circumstances bringing back shadows from her past being too much for her comfort. "Run!" She screamed at her friends before sprinting off. 

She could hear the stampede of feet and cries behind her; At the corners of her vision, Katara and Sokka ran to each side of her. Aang had already gained several feet ahead of them using his airbending. 

The pirates give chase; they split up into the parallel streets in hopes of cutting them off. 

The others followed Sokka as he turned a corner, "Whoa!" He yelped. Elaria shrieked at the sight of several pirates grinning cruelly. Their vile smirks sent the shadows leaping at her. Faces of her past promising to do what they failed to. 

Kill her.

Her body reacted to her fear faster than her choking mind did. 

Without thinking she airbended a blast of air. Katara had frozen the water in the puddle they stood on and the pirates went flying in the opposing direction. Sliding and screaming on their rears. The three had no time for applause when more pirates took their place and they ran into another street.

Elaria's lungs couldn't take in enough air. Exhaustion twisted her legs painfully, they couldn't run forever and the pirates wouldn't give up chasing them. She craned her neck to spot the anger on the pirates' faces. "Elaria look out!" Sokka yanked her arm to the side, she felt a stabbing pain at her ribs as the right of her body collided with the corners of- A CART OF CABBAGES!?

"Why is it that everywhere we go there are carts of cabbages!?" Elaria yelled through her pain. 

Katara and Sokka were smart enough to keep their eyes ahead and managed to dodge the cart; Aang had vaulted over it easily. He avenged Elaria's new bruises by airbending a blast of wind that throws the cart into the group of pirates behind them.

"My cabbages! This place is worse than Omashu!" the cabbage merchant yelled in his rage; Elaria bit back using her ire, "Then go back to Omashu!" 

Another group of pirates replaced the heads of those they already cut off, persisting to chase them throughout the market city. "I hope that lemur of yours has nine lives!" One of them yelled. 

The four had finally run into a dead-end; Elaria clenching her fingers. Visions of the weeks that decimated her naivety flashed before her eyes. The rope, the darkness, the chains...

Tears finally streamed down her face, as she gasped for air at the phantoms flashes of pain. The knives that sliced her arms, the blood that trickled from her lips and cheeks. The swelling of her face. She was safe among her friends but the pursued assault of the shadows paralyzed her body. 

The pirates cheer parallels to those in her nightmares. "Now, who gets to taste the steel of my blade first!"

Elaria wanted to scream, yell, beg. She would rather die than be taken by them. Never again. 

Illusions tricked her eyes. A naive girl, surrounded by them, with blood on their blades. 

She blinked. Closing her eyes in hope of bleaching the sight. 

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