She's trying to decipher if Aang's close relationship with Pipsqueak or Katata's worshipping of Jet ticked her off more. Elaria has been fighting Jet's methods all day only for Katara to tell her that this is the life of a freedom fighter. She protested them taking the soldiers' stocks; katara guarded Jet against her. She disagreed with going to their hideout and the only one that agreed with her is Sokka. Sokka!
Elaria rolled her eyes as Katara swooned over Jet. For once she found someone to be more irritating than Sokka when she first met him. The gang, along with the Freedom Fighters are walking through the red forest to their oh-so-amazing hideout. She found herself in the back with Sokka while Aang and Katara hung onto every word from their new best friends at the front.
"We're here," Jet told them. She huffed and crossed her arms, "You must have suffered a blow to the head during that fight because I don't see any 'hideout." Elaria called him out. Jet smirked at her and pulled down a rope from the tree he stood beside. He turned to Sokka as he agreed with Elaria, "There's nothing here." Sokka said to him.
"Hold this," Jet handed him the rope.
"Why? What's this do?" Sokka skeptically observed the rope while his fingers wrapped around it. Elaria gasped as he was yanked into the branches of the trees above them; his screams suddenly stopping. Her stomach clenched with worry, where did that lead?
Jet turned to Elaria, "Hai Ce?" Another rope lowered in his hand.
She reverted back to her pseudonym when they introduced themselves earlier. The other's had simply gone with it since Jet had already turned his attention back to the swooning Katara to notice her hesitation in giving her name.
Elaria held her hands in front of her face, "No way, I'm not doing that until I know where- Aang!" Before Elaria could finish her sentence Aang pulled her off her feet and told Jet: "No thanks I can take us up there," She harshly shut her eyes and clenched her teeth. Elaria felt them drop and leap from branch to branch. Leaves shoved into her face and landing on her hair. Finally, it's over and Elaria demands Aang to set her down.
"Nice of you to acknowledge me only when I need help huh?" Bitterness swept off her tongue. Aang blanched at her words. "Uh-" His eyes scanned the place for an escape.
She huffed at him and crossed her arms. Her eyes jumped through their hideout and she hated to admit that the place is amazing. Elaria, Aang, and Sokka- who dropped his rope back down to Jet and Katara- are standing on a platform in the trees, around them are other platforms and bridges drawn to create a miniature hub for the freedom fighters.
"Oh cool!" Aang said; she watched him as he bounded away to the zip lines. He eagerly jumped onto it before gliding away from her. Ugh, he even took Momo with him.
"Yes so cool. Now when are we leaving?" Elaria asked Sokka, the boy seemed to be as bothered as her. He copied her stance; crossing his arms and looking at everything with a skeptic lens, "I don't know but it has to be soon, we're on a time crunch," She nodded at his words. They needed to get Aang to the North Pole.
Behind them, Katara and Jet joined the two on the platform. Her nose flared at the sight of Katara clinging onto him. She noticed her friend's cheeks are dusted red and her eyes sparkle as she slowly let him go to look around the hideout.
"Nice place you got!" Aang and Momo flew past them on the zip lines. Katara pressed her hands together looking in awe, "It's beautiful up here!"
Elaria rolled her eyes and looked away. She and Sokka unhappily glanced at one another.
"It is beautiful... and more importantly the Fire Nation can't find us." Jet said to them. As if the Fire Nation would want to trouble itself over a low life like you Jet.

ATLA Little Bender
Fanfiction"I am Regina Elaria, Fire Lord Azulon's successor, future Empress of the Fire Nation. Daughter of the ex-Crowned General Iroh, Cousin of the royal graces Zuko and Azula, niece of Lord Ozai, and Great Granddaughter of Fire Lord Sozin." Elaria listed...