A sneeze resounded through the clearing that the gang had camped in. She drew several eyes to her but paid no mind to them. Soon enough the instigator sniffed her nose and rolled over droopily on Appa. "I can always try to find frozen frogs here Elaria," Aang suggested concerned.
The girl in reply sighed, "Aang, there's no way that I'll ever allow myself to suck on a frog," Katara and Sokka's faces taint green. They didn't like the reminder of the 'medicine' that Aang had given them when they fell ill not long before. Elaria had fallen ill subsequent to them after spending the day making sure their hallucinations didn't lead them to kill each other.
For that reason neither Katara nor Sokka allowed her to be alone for long. Although Aang had been more than eager to take more shifts to look after her.
Elaria climbed down Appa, pulling her blanket around her. She didn't need it as an airbender but the principal is comfort. COMFORT-
"Besides, I'm fine now see?" She gestured to herself, the others took notice of the rescinding bags under her eyes. Her grey skin had returned to its normal flush and she no longer looked as though she was going to drop dead. Then she sneezed again. Elaria groaned. "At least your not hacking up your lungs now?" Sokka said to her.
"Very kind of you to mention that Sokka," She deadpanned. Elaria walked over to Katara, allowing the mother hen to feel her forehead. "Not burning anymore, I guess you really are getting better," Katara reassured her.
Elaria joined them on the ground, sitting between Katara and Aang as trees and rocks provided their camp cover. "Look!" Katara pointed to a fish jumping from the river that streamed beside them. The fish leaped into the air again, looking as though it was trying to do aerial tricks. Either way, it gave Elaria a chance to peer closely. "It's a Se Tu," Elaria noted.
Sokka stood to view the Se Tu strictly. "He is taunting us! You are so going to be dinner!" He shouted at the fish.
Elaria sighed as she realized what's happening in front of her, she set a hand to her face, "Sokka have you always yelled at animals, or are you still hallucinating?" Katara gave her a look, "Of course he yells at animals, you should have seen the other things he does too. When we were in the South Pole Sokka would make muscles at his reflections,"
Elaria snorted, "Are you serious?" She fell into laughter, leaning heavily on Aang, who smiles at her in affection. Sokka sent Katara a look of betrayal, "This is not the time for that! N-Not that I ever did that in the first place!" He vehemently denied. Sokka grabbed his fishing pole, ready to restore any dignity he lost and challenge the fish.
He stopped short. Observing the pole, "Hey where's my fishing line?"
Aang sheepishly admitted, "Oh, I didn't think you would need it, Sokka." He held up a beautifully woven necklace, at the center a deep crimson flower, a shade that matched Elaria's outlay. Sokka walked over and examined the necklace. He groaned in dismay, " Aw, it's all tangled!" Sokka whined.
Aang turned to Elaria as he directed his words to Sokka, "Not tangled. Woven!" His eyes met Elaria's curious gaze, "I made you this necklace Elaria since you gave your own to Katara..." Her eyes went to Katara's neck, where a red band with gold trim wrapped around her collar, the center having a golden sun.
Elaria had given it to Katara while the waterbender was under her care; Aang had left to find medicine, the girl was hallucinating that she was a Queen and complimented her necklace. Elaria exhausted beyond belief had given it to her as a trade for her 'Queen' to stay hydrated. Although Katara tried to give it back Elaria refused and said that red and gold complimented Katara more than it ever did for herself.

ATLA Little Bender
Fanfiction"I am Regina Elaria, Fire Lord Azulon's successor, future Empress of the Fire Nation. Daughter of the ex-Crowned General Iroh, Cousin of the royal graces Zuko and Azula, niece of Lord Ozai, and Great Granddaughter of Fire Lord Sozin." Elaria listed...