Chapter 36

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So I was watching Jc's video on the couch in hope of finding the next clue, but nothing... it finally reached the end where he threw me in the pool and it said 'DROWN' in big letters.


I looked at my iPhone 5S in confusion.

What even?

I replayed it for at least the the thousandth time...

I don't get it.

"Hey Melissa, why don't we go hang out for a bit" I heard a familiar voice said that I didn't care enough to process, because I was so focused on what 'this' meant. "Melissa?" the voice spoke once more. "Melissa!" and like that I was snapped out of my train of thought.

"Huh? Oh sorry" I locked my phone as I turned to the person...

It was Sam.

"I'm sorry what'd you say?" I asked in utter shock.

"I said 'Would you like to spend some time with me today?'" he repeated, which to my ears sounded a bit more polite than his first question. I mean I know I blocked him out, but still.

"Um... what time is it?" I questioned trying to buy me some time to come up with an excuse.

"2:41 PM" he answered.

"Oh... I mean... I kind of... I sort of..."


"Sure, why not" I responded.

I mean there's no harm right?

"I didn't know you were in the house" I stated.

"Is there a problem with that?" he laughed.

"No, it's just. I don't know I'm nosy leave me alone" I smiled.

"Sorry sorry" he put up his arms in surrender "so what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know I want food" I replied nonchalantly.

"Of course" he lightly chucked.

"You calling me fat" I gasped, as he laughed.

"No, no calm down" he playfully rolled his eyes "but ok. We should go to the mall or something."

"Fine by me, I'll go get my money" I announced as I got up.

"No" he looked upstairs, kind of... nervous? "It's on me" he informed a bit more relaxed.

"Are you sure? You know I hate when people buy me things" I rolled my eyes.

"You're gonna have to learn to like it one way or another" he smirked.

"Ugh, no." I said under my breath.

"Ok, shall we go now?" he looked up again, as if he was looking out for someone or something.

"Um, sure?" I shrugged it off.
We walked out to his car. He opened the car door for me, which I gotta say was awfully sweet, and then ran to the driver's side.

"I'm gonna make this the best day you've ever had while visiting here" he smiled.

"That's sweet" I responded not knowing what that meant whatsoever.

We drove off as we finally got to the mall.

"So where do you wanna go first?" Sam questioned.

As if he didn't know...

"The food court" I bluntly answered.

"You would" he laughed.

"Again, with the fat jokes" I scoffed.

"Sorry, alright let's go" he answered.

Honestly, my time with him was awesome I got a few things from Bath & Body, Hot Topic, and Forever 21. Although I promised him I would pay him back, he said he wouldn't accept it.

I feel guilty...

So, now we're just sitting here outside the mall, enjoying some frozen yogurt.

"I didn't get the chance to tell you but you look stunning today" Sam winked, as I felt a few butterflies...

"Thank you..." I blushed " look purty handsome yourself" I complimented on a western accent causing him to laugh lightly.

"I think we should head back it's about 6 already" Sam suggested, while getting up from his seat.

But I didn't want to leave...

"Ok" was the only thing I was able to spit out.

We headed out to his car and drove back to the O2L House. On the way back, I couldn't help but think how beautiful Sam is when he's smiling or laughing or even driving. He was so focused on the road it was... attractive.

"So did you have fun?" he asked as we walked in the house.

"Yeah, I did actually, thank you" I thanked as I pulled him into a hug.

I felt... nervous.

I glanced outside the see-through door as I saw Jc and Joe Sugg finished what seems to be another one of Jc's messy videos.

"So Melissa..." Sam started.

Oh god.

"Oh" Jc's smile vanished as he saw Sam and I together.

Why should he care? He totally friend-zoned me anyway.

"Maybe, I'll tell you later." Sam nervously smiled, quickly feeling the tension.

"No, go ahead" I pursued with the sweetest smile I could.

"No, it's really not import-" he got cut off by Jc.

"You heard her," he stated "go ahead." he seriously stated as he leaned against the wall with crossed arms.

"I know I was bad..." he started.

This doesn't sound good.

"...and I know it's too soon to ask you to take a title you once had..." I heard a rough exhale from Jc, hinting he was getting angry.

" I'm just gonna ask you if you could give me a chance to make my way back there again..." Sam paused "to work my way up to having your desire for me again."

I looked at him with wide eyes and then at Jc who looked like he's seen a ghost.
"Well... what do you say?" he nervously cracked a smile.

Do I still have feelings for Sam?

"Answer him Melissa. I'm dying to know your answer as well" you could feel the sarcasm in his voice.

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